Monday 23 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep 8

Lakunle smiled and that left me with much confusion and questions in my head.

"Could it be that he lost his brother?"

"Could it be that something else happened to his family? 

"Is there any exciting moment in this guy life"

I was just having so much to process in my head that only patience could allow me find answers.

"My brother passed out as usual but this time around, he was rushed to our family hospital in town. He was admitted and was given some pain killer, by their calculation, he was suppose to have been up 3 hours earlier but he wasn't waking up. My mother had become something else, she was running barefooted from one angle of the hospital to another",

"The doctor said they should still wait a little and see if anything will happen. He encouraged us to stay positive. I was just around 6 years and my brother Adewale was 10 years when this incident happened. My father too was driving from one chemist to pharmacy to get the prescribed drugs."

"God please" I didn't know when I shouted again because I can't imagine all they have been through.

"He finally woke up, he was discharged to go home after a week in the hospital. My parent had no option than to sell 2 of their cars out of the 3 we had. The expenses of keeping a sick child became so much burden for them",

"On one of the afternoons, my grandma, that's my father's mother, she came around from Offa where she is based and insisted we stop wasting  money on the medicals and doctors fee. She advised my dad to make do with them and try out the herbal methods"

"In as much my parents weren't deeply rooted in Christ, they gave in to advise and so long the cost will be lesser on them, they wanted a solution so badly",

"My grandma introduced them to Baba Kiwi, one of the renowned, tested and trusted herbalist in Offa, he did his running and incarnation",

"They finally returned back to Ilorin, thank goodness that school was also on break. It was easier for me to witness some of the struggles. I've seen nights that my brother will cry himself to bed asking 'why me' questions. Our parent, most especially my mother would hide her tears and cover it with an apology amidst smile so as to keep my brother going",

"The herbal remedy worked a little while and our visit to doctor wasn't as frequent as it was in the past but there were lot of drugs my parents had to get to keep my brother alive as well",

"This is how my brother's health is   maintained since he was a child till now. He was able to attend secondary, his crisis wasn't as much as we were in primary school. He also finished as overall best student with many awards while leaving secondary school. He made all his papers at one and the State Government sponsored all his education from that time onward",

"At least amidst the pain, there was still something to hold on to as compensation. Looking back now, there were lots of ups and downs but then, through it all, God has been faithful"

"You really went through a lot. You are strong person" I said.

"I know there is still more to share and talk about but.." he checked his time

"It's past 8 already and we should round off for tonight so that you  won't get home too late" he concluded

"I'm still trying to process all you went through. If only your siblings’ story is this much, I wonder what you have to say about your parent" I said out of pity

"When next we see, I will talk about them, but for tonight, let's leave it at this",

"One more thing, how are you finding this relationship with God?" He added

"I can't say much yet but I know it feels different now knowing fully well that choosing to follow him and having a closer relationship with him isn't a bad choice either" with smile on his face, he congratulated me once again.

My phone started ringing and I checked the number it wasn't a familiar one.

"Hello, where are you?" The voice isn't familiar.

"Hello, sorry who am I on to?" I needed to ask if it wasn't a mix up but the network went off and the call got disconnected.

"Thanks so much for your time today, I hope we will see soon again" Lakunle asked.

"By the way, have you concluded on what you want to do next?" He added.

"That's true, I haven't concluded yet but I trust the process. Everything will fall in place" I encouraged myself as we finished  up our drinks.

We  bade each others goodnight as I drove on. The person that called earlier was calling again but it's not in my nature to drive and take calls at the same time unless it's an  emergency.

"Hello, I have been calling you since" the caller shouted.

"Hello, I'm sorry. I'm driving but who am I speaking with?" I said.

Sunday 22 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep 7


"Just like I introduced myself when we first met, I am Olakunle Abraham" he started.

"I know right, Lakunle for short" I teased him as I paid rapt attention to all he needed to say.

"My family has always based here in Ilorin as well. I have always ran  away from talking about my family not because I’m  not  proud of where I am from but talking about them always bring me a lot of mixed feelings"

"I'm sorry about that, I just hope I'm not going to be opening any unhealed wound"  I quickly interrupted him.

My mind was wandering around whether asking him will still be necessary or not

"My younger sister, Ayokunmi developed a measles at the age of 2 which eventually made it difficult for her to speak but she can at least hear a bit"

"Oh my God" I shouted

"It is fine, the family spent all they can on her. We move from one hospital to another, we were introduced to different specialists but we had to leave with the fate that my sister wouldn't be able to talk again",

"On her 10th birthday, we called for all and sundry to join us in celebrating her. We don't always want to make her feel less because she couldn’t t talk. More reason why we tried to always make every moment eventful for her" he pulled out his phone and showed me the picture of his younger sister.

She's also a light skinned beautiful girl. It must be that one of their parents or both parents are light  skinned as well.

"So where is she now?" I asked after checking through a few of the pictures. He sighed and poured more yoghurt to his cup.

"Unfortunately, she died the night after the birthday. Everywhere became so empty and I could feel the echoes of her voice in my head every single time",

"My mother became the shadow of herself, she fell sick repeatedly after my sister’s death. The consolation she and my father had was the fact that I'm still alive and also my elder brother",

"Not minding the fact that she couldn't talk and we were all forced to learn how to communicate with her using our hands, we still love her so very much and dearly  until she died."

I tried fighting back my tears and I almost wanted to stop him from talking about his family because I don't know if there is any side of his story that is not tragic, if there are other exciting part, we could fast forward to it.

"I'm so sorry about that" I said.

"The day I met you at the mall, you reminded me of my sister. She loved pringles a lot and you have same eye balls. It felt like I should  take  you home that day but then, glad we exchanged numbers and we are still in touch",

"My sister’s death brought out the writer in me and that's with poems, I had a small note pad where I  used to write poems before I moved to writing songs" he added

I know grieve sometimes push people to other forms of self discoveries and everyone don't handle pain the same way.

"Meaning, the music writing and all gave you closure in a way?" I asked.

"Yes, you are right but every year, we celebrate her even in absence, she won everyone's heart"

"But how about your big brother? Where is he?" Curiosity couldn't allow me to keep calm as I wanted to know every bit of his journey.

"You know back then, our parents were uneducated, so it didn't occur to them to run a blood test to know if they are compatible" he said and I can affirm to that based on some of the stories I've heard from my parents too and from the book and movie that I have seen .

"They allowed love to blind them so much that they  married each other  without knowing  that they were both AS genotype,  I know if they both  could turn the hands of time back, they would have just done all the needed tests and investigations."

I could feel his pain as he was talking about his family. There is so much trouble around him and now I see why he has been avoiding talking about them.

"What if you have kept quiet and never asked?"

"But I need to know who I'm moving with to be on safe side too "

My mind was saying different things and I started feeling bad. I wished I didn't bring him to talk.

"Don't worry, I chose to tell you about my family not because of the conditions but because  I  put myself in your shoes,   wondering,  how can I be friends with someone who I  know next to nothing about asides his name and his Christian lifestyle?" He said out loud as if he was reading my mind.

"Thanks so much for understanding and I really appreciate this little you've shared with me." I added so as not make him change the topic to something else.

"Don't worry, let me around it up with my brother's story, I'd tell you about my parents when next we hang out"

"So where is your brother now?" I asked.

"A lot was spent on his health, we became regular costumers with the hospital so much that it affected my brother's education as well.  Back in primary school, he passed out almost always so much that they asked our parent to withdraw him"

"Wow, that must have been a lot for the family" I said

"He started taking his lessons and schooling with the home teacher and that was how  he was able to scale through primary school" he said as he sipped a part of the yoghurt in the cup.

"Till one day that something else happened" he added.

"What happened? I hope it's not what I'm thinking. I didn't realize my voice was loud until I saw people across the other table turn back.

Saturday 21 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep 6

 "Oh my God" I screamed turning back and seeing who tapped me.

"I know right" Busayo said.

Busayo is one of my childhood friends. We attended the same secondary before her parent relocated from Ilorin to Ibadan and we lost connection after then.

"It's been like 7 years that we last saw" she said as I opened my arm for a tight hug without minding that the service had started.

"We have a lot to catch up with" I added as we held each others hand walking into the church auditorium.

Seeing Busayo made my Sunday and all the memories together kept running on mind all through the service.

Should we talk about how the boys always compete with us in English debates or how we joined the press club in secondary school  to  pick on every gist in  the school.

The service ended and we all moved to the parking lot. My dad had to see one of the Deacons, Deacon Komolafe who he had an unfinished none-church-related business together.

I reintroduced Busayo  to the family as they couldn't remember who she is again

"That your friend back in school days?" My mother asked to be sure.

"Pele my dear, you are welcome" my mother added as she walked towards the car.

Days like these, I wish dad came with his own car and driver while we come with ours but we have no option than to wait. That makes it easier for me to catch up on some of the old gist with Busayo.

My brother was already seated in the car, plugging his headset to the phone and playing his usual football video games while my mother was  greeting every passerby  coming along the car park.

"Has your family relocated back to Ilorin" I asked out of curiosity.

"No, I just got admission back to University Ilorin for my masters degree. I need that change of environment"

"Wow, that's amazing. We've not been in touch for a long time. Hold on, thought you had your first degree from the University of Ibadan?" I asked to be sure because when we were leaving secondary, I remember she always talked about her love for  the University of Ibadan and how she would always choose the school as her first choice.

"You still remember? yes you are right. I had my first degree there" she added and before we could talk a bit further, dad joined us,  I introduced her to my dad as he couldn't place the face again.

We exchanged numbers and we promised  to stay in touch more.

Fortunately, Busayo is going towards the same direction as we are. She joined us and she pointed hand to the route that leads to her area.

We finally said our goodbyes and we zoomed off. Getting home that afternoon, everyone was tired and all I needed to do was take a nap before any other thing.

My brother was going back to school that same afternoon. I wouldn't want him to wake me up so I either need to find something to keep me up or I shut my door and bid my brother goodbye in advance.

I remembered that I wanted to check out for the prices of some photography gadget to help me weigh my options of what I want to start on.

On the other hand, the thought of seeing my friend starting masters already made me happy at first but now, lot of questions started running down  my mind.

The thought of feeling lost and unfulfilled yet. I closed the laptop immediately and crawled into my bed from the reading table.

My phone started ringing  but I wasn't really in the mood. I tried dropping the call the first time and the second.

"Hello, who's it?" I picked the call without checking the phone this time and there was silence.

I checked the phone to see who the caller was and it was Lakunle.

"I hope I didn't call at the wrong time" he said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just feeling sleepy"

"I could call you back later, let me allow you rest" he added.

"No, it's fine. You can talk, I'm with you"

"What's your schedule tonight? Can we see?" He asked but I wasn't sure whether I wanted to even go out or not.

"Alright, let's make it 6pm at our usual spot then"

The call ended and checked my phone and realised the first 2 calls earlier on was Busayo, she later left me a message to tell how happy she was today seeing me again.

I replied her and flung the phone to the other side of the bed.

"Hey big sis, I'm leaving for school already" my brother said from the entrance of my room. I stood up to bid him goodbye as the driver turned on the ignition and drove out of the compound.

Moments later, I started dressing up so as to catch up with the meeting with Lakunle, I didn’t want to keep him waiting as well.

I picked the  key to the Toyoto camry, one of mom's favorite car and drove to the usual spot where Lakunle and I always met.

"What's up with you? You are not sounding bright?" He asked but I smiled it off.

"I'm just a bit stressed but I'm fine"

We ordered  hamburger and yoghurt. He teased me about my fitted gown and sneakers. I was forced to laugh and shake off all the negative thoughts in my head.

"So can we talk about your family now?" I asked.

He sighed as he sipped the yoghurt in the cup he was holding.

"Yes, that's true. I remember I promised you" he said.

"Well, this is it" he said as cleaned his mouth with the serviette.

"What's it about his family that he has been hiding from me" I muttered silently.

Friday 20 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep 5


"Yes, I'm here. I can hear you"

"I've made up my mind with a condition" I added.

"You can talk to me about anything, what's the conclusion? What's the condition"? He said.

"Can we meet at our usual spot or we should talk it through on phone?" I asked to be sure of which means is comfortable for him.

He agreed we talk on phone to at least give him a clue of what I want.

"I am willing and ready to try Jesus out"

"Praiseee the Lord" he Interrupted without knowing what the condition is.

"This indeed a great news for me, I want us to enjoy the privileges in Christ together" he added

"But on one condition" I quickly added before he gets carried away with my conclusion.

"Okay, I'm with you"

"Tell me about your family"

There was a long silence again. I don't know if I'm making the right decision but attaching the condition.

We've been coming along for a while, long enough to want to know at least one thing about his family.

I know I want to know more about God and his saving power but yet, I don't want to feel caged as well

"Alright, I will tell you but not today" he said after the long silence.

"When will it be? I'm sorry, I just really want to know"

"I promise to share everything with you when next we see. Wouldn't want it to be a phone conversation" he pleaded

"But I don't want you to delay any longer to give God a chance to rule your world" he added.

"Alright, I'm ready"

Lakunle led me to Christ that morning and I can bet with you, the feeling is different.

I have always felt it would be hard until I gave it a trial and I can attest the fact that it is the sweetest thing that can happen to anyone.

Everyone had left the dinning immediately they finished their food and I was alone all the while the call was going on.

Dad had gone back to rest as it was  one of those free  weekends for him with no meeting at all.

My mother had taken an event which she sent some of her workers to handle. She later left the house to attend the event to  be sure that everything was intact.

My brother and his video games, he's in the sitting room and I was thinking on the new life I've just been introduced to.

"What if I share this new experience with my family"

"What if they find me weird or not interested"

"God help me" I said silently as I move to my room to pick out my cloths for laundry.

I had slept and missed the lunch time, they decided not to wake me again after several attempts of waking me up.

I later had my lunch as dinner and I went back to the room to pick what to wear to church for Sunday.

Being the last Sunday of the month, there is always a praise and declaration service added to the regular Sunday service.

Everyone had gotten up that Sunday morning to go to church. Our house to the church is about 15 minutes drive from home.

We went in  the black SUV car and dad didn't allow any of the driver to drive us that morning.

As directed by the protocol and security team, dad parked at the “car park B” as numbered on the iron pole.

I was approaching the church entrance when someone tapped me by the shoulder.

I ignored the first time as I was the last to come down from the car because I needed to redress my hair.

The person tapped me the second time , I turned back and what I saw was a big surprise to me.

What was it?

Thursday 19 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep 4


"What If he wants to ask me to be his girlfriend?"

"No, I am not ready for a relationship"

"What if it's something else?"

"Whatever" I said out

"Whatever?" Lakunle asked to be sure he heard me right.

"No, not you. You can go ahead" I said as I bit the pizza in my hand.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go ahead" I added.

"And promise me you won't find it offensive" he asked further.

At this moment, I don't know what to expect. I am bad at guessing and it's even worse when someone is putting me on suspense.

"Just go ahead, I promise, no offense" I said with my mouth filled.

"When do you want to accept Jesus to your heart?"

Immediately, I stopped eating, I didn't know how to process what he said. Not because I wasn't expecting the question but I didn't see it coming.

"Well... well, I really want to but..."

"But tomorrow may be too late, you know?" He interrupted.

My mind raced around and it feels like I've never seen Lakunle this serous before.

"Don't let it seem like I'm forcing you, think about it very well" he broke the silence after a few minutes pause.

"I think I have to be on my way"

I didn't allow the driver follow me because I wanted to have an alone time with Lakunle but it seem the whole day got ruined in a way.

Not like I don't want to have anything do with Jesus as well but Christianity is somehow boring for me.

I started driving home, thinking about all that Lakunle had said to me. I don't want to lose my friendship with Lakunle but yet, it's looking like after speaking back and forth, we will still need to come back to the whole Jesus talk.

Dad got back home that evening and it was a Friday night, I handed over all the documents  he requested.

"That's my girl, work will  start  soon over this application" my father said with so much confidence.

The day ended with the family dinner time, we had rice garnished with vegetables and plantain that night and everyone bade one another goodnight.

Most weekends , my brother comes home from school. He is schooling in the University of Ilorin and  the family also stays in Ilorin. 

"Good morning big sis" I heard Joe's voice as he knocks on my door.

I checked my phone to see the time and it was past 9am. I met series of missed calls and other notifications.

"Come in, the door is not locked" I said to my brother.

"You are still sleeping by this time" he said

"You are also back home to pack all our food stuff abi?" I jokingly replied him.

We both laugh and he excused himself while I attend to the calls and messages I missed.

"I'm sorry if it seem that I ruined our hangout yesterday but I care about you and I know God loves you too, have a great weekend hun"

I read the message aloud, I saw that Lakunle sent the message around 12 midnight.

I tried calling his line but not reachable.

"I don't know what to do about this Lakunle guy" I said to myself.

"Yes yes, I know what to do"

"Breakfast is ready" my brother interrupted d my thought.

I freshened up and joined them at the dining.

I am that person in the house that doesn't like to eat what everyone is eating.

"I will take golden morn instead" I said

"We that are eating custard and moimoi elemi meje have 2 heads abi?"

Truly, if I should go by all the spices and ingredients used in making that moimoi that morning, it's enough to salivate and crave more but my cravings are not always as everyone.

I served my golden morn, added enough milk and sugar. The taste is heavenly for me and I know that's enough to carry me till noon.

My phone started ringing. It was Lakunle, I had mixed feelings of joy and sadness at the same time.

"Hello, I've been trying to reach you before now?" I quickly said.

"I'm sorry, my phone fell while I was having my bath and since then it has been misbehaving" he said.

"Sorry about that, I hope you’d fix it soon" I added.

"It's fine, I really appreciate your care" he said

There was a long silence but someone had to talk so we don't keep wasting the call card.

"I have given all your request a thought and I've made up my mind" I said.

"What's your conclusion?" I could hear curiosity in his voice.

I don't know whether to say it on phone or probably we need to meet and talk again.

"Hello, are you there?" He said.

The Beautiful Scar Ep3


I was finding it hard to sleep that night, a lot was running through my mind.

How can one idea drop in my mind and then multiple other things are running along with it?

I have always had a thing for photography but I know my parents so well. They always have their ways; their decisions are mostly final.

Maybe if they allow us make some certain mistakes, it would allow us get better and wiser.

"Do you even ever pray about any decisions you make?" I remembered Lakunle asking me this question one of our random talks on phone.

My parents are Christians, I would classify them under the "church goers" who only appear in church on Sundays as tradition and not really deep rooted in Christ.

We attend Glorious Hope Bible Church, one of the big churches at the main town of Ilorin. I've seen more than enough Sundays that was used for rest and merriment than attending services.

It wasn't a usual thing for me to pray about any decisions since my parent are there to make the decision and there is enough more to execute any decision made.

"What if I should take up the photography business?"

"What if you go back to school for your masters"

"What if you decide to travel to join your cousin in UK?"

A lot was running through my mind and I'm so confused on what to do.

A notification popped on my phone and I opened the message, it was Lakunle.

"Trust in the Lord with your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path"

How Lakunle always find a scripture to fit into every of our conversations really surprises me a lot.

How can a fine tall young man eat so much of God's word that he has a lot to share whenever we are talking?

Immediately, I called him and we started talking about all the ideas on my mind. He suggested that I allow God lead and then, pay attention to what I'm passionate about.

"If you go where God did not send you, that's a costly journey. You may pay double for going and still come back with nothing" Lakunle said.

"O deep, o deep" I said sarcastically but I think I understand it better.

I don't have any relationship with God that much to feel like I can ask him to lead me in anything I'm doing.

"Where will I start from? What do I even ask?" So many questions were going through my mind till I eventually slept off without making any decision or praying.

"Wake up, daddy wants to have a talk with you" my mom said as she tapped me.

"Mom, I'm coming, I slept a little bit late and I'm having a slight headache" I said

"When you won't stop pressing your phone, how will your head not ache?" Mom said as she walked out of the room.

I still don't understand the connection between pressing phone and headache.

I struggled to leave the bed that morning and joined dad in the sitting room.

"Good morning daddy"

"Good morning darling, have a seat" he ordered.

"In the meantime, I want you to print out your credentials and other certificates so I can keep a copy" my father said.

"He didn't even ask me what I want to become or what I want to be, what if I want to be a full house wife"

"God forbid sha" I shouted subconsciously.

"God forbid?" My father asked out of curiosity.

"Not that, Dad. I will print it out and share with you" I quickly said before I will use the whole day explaining different things in my head.

"It should be ready before I get back from work, okay?" he said as he hands over the money for the printing to me.

"Okay, thank you daddy" I said as he picks his bag and sets to go out.

"And you know, dad will always want to see you all making this family proud. You and your brother" my mother said as she saw my dad off to the door.

My phone started ringing in the room, it was just past 8am.

"Shey this people don’t sleep in their house ni?” I said

"Are you not the one that gave them your number ni?" My mother replied jokingly as she walks to the kitchen

"Hey Lakunle, good morning"

I already knew he's the one that can be calling me this early but on the other hand, is 8am too early? Or laziness is just worrying me lately.

"Are we seeing today?" Lakunle asked

It will definitely be a yes because at the moment, I don't have anything I'm doing or anywhere I'm going.

"Yes, we would but I have to get to a café close by to print, then later we will meet up" I said.

We met as planned and it was at one of our usual eateries.

We ordered pizza and ice cream. We joked and played, moved from one topic to another.

"I have a question to ask you" Lakunle said with a smile on his face.

His statement just triggered my "what if" mechanism.

"What did you say?" I asked as if i didn't hear him the first time.

"I said I have a question to ask you" he repeated.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep 2


I met Lakunle at the mall that afternoon. It was exactly a month I got back from service and I wanted to just get some snacks to munch on.


Raymond, one of the family driver had escorted me down but I asked him to wait for me in the car while I do my shopping.


I couldn't get over the fact that my friends called me "Petite" all through my secondary school days till I graduated from Kwara state University.


I was wearing one my favorite flowery gown with my gold necklace and watch, packing my braided hair to the back because I value simplicity a lot.


I entered the mall, picked up one of the basket with aim of getting a lot of snacks and other junks.


I moved from ice cream spot down to where they placed the juices, I picked some minced pie, to chicken and other varieties.



I was almost going back to the counter before I remembered I hadn't picked pringles. I love pringles so much that I can take that every day without getting tired.


The shelve in which the pringles was placed was a bit of a struggle for me as my hand couldn't reach. I looked around to see if I could call on one of the staff to help me bring some down.


"Can I help you with that?" A baritone voice said behind me.


I turned to look at who it was and I saw a young light skinned man, in a blue jean and round neck black polo.


"Sweet oh sweet" I muttered silently and he asked again if he could help me with the pringles, this time he asked with a smile and it seem to be the brightest thing I've seen all day.


Without hesitation, I requested he should help me with it and he agreed.


"I love pringles too" he added.


"Oookay" I replied with a smile back and I could bet with you that there was a connection but I don't want to keep the driver waiting too long.


"My name is Olakunle Abraham, just call me Lakunle" he said while pointing his hand for a shake.


"I stay around too" he added as we exchanged phone numbers and we departed.


That was the beginning of our friendship.


It took me a while to change his number back to Lakunle with the love emojis in it. I had always saved his number with "Lakunle Mall" because I don't want to forget where we met.


It has always been a thing for me to save people's name with either the city we met, a place or other funny things.  I bet you could go through my phone and see names like "Funmi Ibadan, Ayo UK, Lanre Festac” and so on.


I can't still explain how we went from being total strangers to being friends we can't go a day without reaching out to each other. 


We chat on Facebook down to WhatsApp and switch from one social media to another. Everything moved so fast and I really can't place the connection but I can call it a name, maybe it's love or more.


Lakunle had always spoken to me about his singing gift. He has written several songs but the fear of "what will people say" hasn't given him enough boldness to push his music out.


"Why not try out a studio session?" I asked him out of curiosity after one of our hangouts but he said maybe not yet.


My parents couldn't watch me sit home for too long as it's been the 3rd months since I got back from service not resuming either at my mom's business or applying for any job.


I just wanted to have enough rest mentally and physically before deciding whether I want to take up a business or not.


As a graduate of accounting, getting a job either by default or connection wouldn't be that hard, all it takes is to apply or tell daddy which firm I would love to work in.


"My dear, I'm counting fewer years left at service, you should get your credentials ready so you can join the ministry of finance" my father raised the topic during dinner time one night.


As interesting as it sounds, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to work in the same work place with daddy but I know it would be a plus for me to enjoy all the benefits of my father's labor.


"I will think about it daddy" I replied


"Think about what again? You should be grateful you have such privilege" my mother interrupted.


I still don't know which day our mother's will understand we are no more kids and we can make some certain decisions ourselves.


"I am no more a kid mummy, I should be able to make certain decisions" I said silently


"Speak up, let me hear you o" my mother said but I know I dare not say that out if I don't have any other house to stay yet.


An idea popped through my mind that night as we were about to sleep.


What idea is it?

Monday 16 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep 1

"When are you going to talk about your family? 

This is the umpteenth time I will be asking Lakunle about his family and his countenance would always grow cold every single time I raise  the topic.

No matter what we were doing at that moment, he would grow cold. 

There was a time we were at the eatery and I raised the question, he walked away from the table to  take a fake call. 

At another time, he requested to use the restroom so that he could just avoid answering the questions.

Many times, I just wanted him to say something at least. Something to calm me down but rather, he would just find a way to change the topic.

"Is the chicken pie tasty enough?" Lakunle replied to my question regarding his family as of the last time I asked during one of our of regular hangouts.

"What if this guy is a ghost? Or could it be that he was disowned ?"

"Did he run away from home?"  

"No, it can't be what I'm thinking about" 

I had to quickly shun off the bad and negative thoughts coming through my head.

A lot of "what ifs" were having a relay race on my mind but I couldn't help it everytime  but to ask. 

I remember meeting Lakunle after I returned from my compulsory one year service -NYSC. 

I served in Abuja with the influence and affluence of my parents. They always will go  any length to put their children's  needs first and since they have connections to many top officials, it only takes a phone call from the corner of our living room.  

"I have spoken to my friend at NYSC office, you will be joining your mates in Abuja Orientation camp" my dad said that afternoon.

"Won't  you say “thank you” to your daddy, my mother interrupted.

Left to me, I would have loved to serve probably in Lagos or anywhere around South West, Nigeria but my beggar has no choice. 

My dad works with the ministry of finance in Ilorin, Kwara state and as a chartered accountant, he is always engaged with meetings from one place to another.

My mother had to quit her banking job so as to focus on her catering business.  Through my dad's connections, you could predict how massive the business is and how my mother does intercontinental and local dishes for different parastatals.

My mother assumed that quitting her banking job will always make her more available for me and my younger brother but the reverse is the case. 

We have domestic workers in the house that does almost everything. From cleaning to cooking and much more.

My parents’ name is the one the street bears not because we were like the first house on that street but due to how wealthy, I can say, my family is. 

Our parent put us in one of the biggest private schools in Ilorin. Money is the least of their worry, they just would always want to be in any public space and reference how their kids are doing so well in a "big school" 

I met Lakunle at the mall in Ilorin that afternoon and what started our friendship is a very funny moment.

How did we meet?

Wednesday 15 September 2021


Episode 15.

I never knew that there was a development on- going in the house, until that afternoon that I saw everyone packing their bags and baggages.

My parents paid aunty Mimi a huge sum of money to go and establish herself that her services are no longer needed. She cried and begged to know if she had done something wrong, but they said nothing at all.She packed her bags and in no time, a taxi came to pick her.

"Dad, you still haven't told me what's going on." I asked, trying to figure out why we were packing and where to.

The first truck came and carried some of our luguages. From the chairs to the fridge, book shelves and other valuable items.

We spent over 5 hours packing. After the last truck packed the remaining items, we took off to our new house. The area was newly developed and the construction layout is just like our former place.

I was enrolled in a tutorial center so I can be well prepared for my exams, but it is rather unfortunate that I kept failing the exams. My parents would always remind me that they have enough money to keep enrolling me till I make them proud. 

My parents would rob the failures on my face.Most especially my mother who had never really been there for me.

"If you have read the way you are eating, you would have made the best result." my mother said during a family dinner. I was angry and couldn't continue with my food. I left the dinning table to my room and cried my eyes out.

I reached out to Henry again after a long time. Henry, was in his year 2 in the university. He told me I need God to help me and I need to retrace my steps to God. I became even more angry this time, because that was not what I wanted to hear.

One afternoon, dad had gone to his business meeting and mom had gone to work, so I was home alone. Somehow, I stumbled on a particular brown file in dad's locker. I saw some affidavits and other documents surrounding my birth.

That was how I discovered that the man I have been calling dad my whole life was never my dad. I became weak that I couldn't move my legs for 30minutes.

I quickly took the files, ran to a cafe close by to make copies of the documents and return it before they got back home.

I made copies for myself and kept them.I returned the file and acted like nothing happened.

I reached out to aunty Mimi to ask her if she knows anything about what I just found out and she said she was aware by mistake, that one of the days she was cleaning the house, she found the documents too.

I was very angry and was just pacing around the house. I went into the kitchen paced around and picked a knife to stab myself. I felt  very empty and full of rage, but I realised that stabbing myself will not mean much like stabbing them.

Just in time, dad came home. I quickly  hid behind the curtain and as he entered the house,  I stabbed him multiple times till he could no longer breathe. I put a call across to the police station and told them what had happened.

My mother came into the house and saw her husband in a pool of blood. She passed out immediately and I didn't bother to move to close to her.

That was what happened before the policemen came into the scene. I was charged to court, tried and sentenced to death. Fortunately for me, while on death row, grace found me.

I gave my life to God in the cell and that is why I am sharing my story with you all today, that God still gives people second chance, regardless of how bad or messed up their lives may be.

Eventhough you may be as a BROKEN MIRROR but you can still reflect Christ everywhere you go.

"Number 008, 023 and 057" the warder announced as we matched out to the field, where our eyes will be covered and we'll be made to die by hanging as pronounced by the court of law.

My name is Oluwatomiwa Becky Atolagbe.

The End

No matter how far you think you have gone, there is still hope for you again.

Job 14:7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.

List of stories by O'nezer
1. Pamilerin
2. The wedding reception
3. Last Sunday evening
4. End of the tunnel
5. Dark path
6. Adopted
7. Adebimpe
8. Facebook fiancé
9. Corper Wale
10. The wait
11. Lily
12. Shattered
13. Boomerang (story of brother bode)
14. Beyond the shade
15. Happy child with many sorrow
16. Sleevless
17. FOLA
18. The Leap Year
20. BUT
21. Thirty plus

Tuesday 14 September 2021


 Episode 14. 

Mom and dad were seated in the living room laughing and discussing different topics. It was really shocking and weird, because I couldn't remember the last time mom stayed at home to have any family chat whatsoever. I stood at the door to be sure it was their voices I was hearing.

I entered the house and greeted them. Mom replied me cheerfully and even asked about my academics. I forcefully returned the smiles, because I was not used to her care. She picked up a nylon beside her and handed it to me. I hurriedly opened it to see what was in it.

"Wow, is this for me?" I kept on saying as I unwrapped the package.

"Yes. It is for you. Your dad and I have been discussing about getting you a phone for sometime now, and here you go." mom said.

"I hope you like it?" dad added as they both laughed.

I had always wanted a phone since I started seeing my friends flaunt theirs. They made it seem like you don't belong if you don't have a phone. Deep down, I wanted more than a phone. I wanted to have my family back; the love and the prayer time, but mom needed to make money and dad wanted to manage his business.

They have told me many times that the reason they run around and do all they do, is to give me the best life and make sure they do even better than their own parents. 

I thanked them and went straight to my room. I had written some of my friends and classmates phone numbers at the back of one of my class note books, so i started saving their numbers. Thankfully, my mom bought me a sim immediately.

Henry wouldn't stop telling me how he and his family are praying for me. When he told me that his family was praying for me, i was angry that they were discussing me in his family.  After all, I only have multiple boyfriends and sex partners; nothing too serious. 

If not because he followed up and I also opened up a bit of my life to him, he wouldn't have known in the first instance.  He apologised for bringing his family into it but he didn't stop telling me that God still loves me and wants to have a relationship with me. 

Another session began. While Henry was in class 3, I was in class 2. I saw this new phase as another opportunity to enjoy and explore to the fullest.

Soon, I started missing school. I would leave home with extra clothes. Whenever my teacher asked me why I missed class, I would come up with different untraceable and unrelated lies that he won't be able to doubt.

My result for the first term dropped terribly, but my parents did not even have the time to check. Once they pay for my school fees, get the books needed for the term, they forget about every other thing. The last time they attended the parent-teachers meeting in my school was when I was in junior class and I can count the number of times all together. 

The second term started, yet my performance in school wasn't improving. I started losing concentration in class and school didn't excite me anymore. I just wanted to hang out with friends and enjoy life.

Aunty Mimi had now lived with us for roughly 4 years and she has gone past being a  stranger to becoming the house owner. She did whatever she wanted as long as my mother was not around or aware of her relationship with my dad. 

When the session ended and I saw my results, i felt sad and angry with myself. It was by sheer luck that i was promoted on trial.

Being in Class 3 meant serious business. Preparations for the senior school leaving examination was in top gear, so there was little to no time for play. All I wanted was to pass my exams and move to the higher institution so i can enjoy maximum freedom. 

Henry still didn't give up on me, even after he had graduated. He always kept in touch and calls to admonish me.

It was that time for the senior school leaving examinations. Everyone started running rat race, trying to make up for wasted years by getting serious over night, but it was about too late. 

My clique already know their ways of bringing in answers. If not that our surname starts with different alphabets, we would have been on same row. Yet, we were able to find a way to communicate answers to ourselves.

Many weeks later, our results was out and I didn't make some of my papers. I felt really bitter and sad that no school would want to admit me  with that kind of result.

"My dear, you will have to retake the exams." my mother said after seeing my result. 

Before the year ended, there was another shift in our family that eventually led me to police custody.

The Beautiful Scar Ep 8

Lakunle smiled and that left me with much confusion and questions in my head. "Could it be that he lost his brother?" "Could ...