Monday, 10 February 2020
SLEEVELESS Episode 10 (Finale)
"Good evening, sir, ma, I hope we haven't kept you waiting too long?" Tina's dad had asked while the Tomori's replied together with "not at all".
Everyone had taken their seat and as they were about talking, Tina's mom cut in with the big question.
"Are you not Yinka Tomori, the busy manager?"
"Yes I am Yinka Tomori but I cannot connect with the busy manager" Bamidele asked and everyone looked so lost.
"There was a time, many years back. Let's say... about... ehen yes, 32 years ago and this boy was about 3 or 4 then. You worked as the manager of the then Cooperative organisation" she narrated and explained further facing her husband Mr Oke.
"Dear, you remember that Daycare Creche something I told you that my mother left for us?" She reminded her husband and he responded affirming to this.
"Then, this Mr Tomori will always bring this boy down to the creche due to his busy schedule and how the wife will always be away for a whole week till weekend due to her work nature" she explained and everyone looked shocked and surprised at the same time.
"There was a Friday like that when he came late, every parent had come to pick their kids except the busy Tomori who came late had been a tradition for him. He got in late that night but I had quickly gone to the market to get a few foodstuffs leaving the kids with the other nanny. He came late and I met him harassing the nanny to the extent of almost getting the young lady naked" everyone exclaimed as they heard this and shame was all written over Mr Tomoris face.
"After that day, he stopped bringing his son since we threatened to make it a police case and since that time, we couldn't get to meet again till the day Tina brought him home and I felt this rejection within that I can't let my daughter marry a son like this" she hadn't landed when Bamidele's mom cut in and almost made scene out of everything.
"Well, that's bygone and I am sure my husband is sorry about that but I can't also support my son marrying a baby mama, only God know how many men has slept with her"
"Mom, mom just stop it. We don't need all of this right now, let the family gets to meet each other and let's live happily" Bamidele had said but before he could finish saying all that, Tina had rushed out of the eatery towards the car park with tear drop in her eyes.
As the parent were resolving the issues inside, Bamidele had followed Tina out to plead and bring her in. He was able to bring her in and found out that the fight inside had been resolved.
"I'm sorry that I have to ruin the beautiful evening with my past mess, I didn't count it to back then a big deal. So find in your hearts all to forgive me" Mr Tomori apologized and everyone else also did.
The meeting ended with so much joy and merriment that night. Everyone to their respective homes
A month later, Bamidele and Justina got married and the occasions was graced with so many great personalities from everywhere. It was glorious and they live happy ever after, taking in Princess as their daughter.
5 years down the lane...
"Princess... Princess, where is this girl? Tina has said.
Princess tried hiding the journal in her hands
"What are you doing with my journal? Tina had said.
"I read about your love story about you and dad, when do you intend publishing it as book mom" Princess asked.
"Don't ever search through mom's journal again. it's personal" Tina has said but before she concluded, Bamidele cuts in.
"What's personal there? Wait oh, you should publish this story and let everyone know that true love still finds people and accept them for who they are?
"What then shall we title it ooh baba" Tina asked jokingly but the surprise answer came from Princess
"Sleeveless? What do you mean sleeveless? Tina asked hurriedly.
"In the world's cold hands with no sleeves up your hands and hope seem to end, Christ would always make a difference"
The cry from baby Jones came out loud of the room and they all rushed down there.
Thanks for reading through, kindly drop your comments and lesson learnt.
Sunday, 9 February 2020
"Well, as much as I know that the God I serve isn't an author of confusion, I'm sure it's not this house you are bringing that your single mother to. Laye! Ko jo (impossible)". She responded with so much pain and anger all written over her face.
"My dear, Bamidele is a full grown young man who is old and capable enough to choose what he sees to be the best for him" Bamidele's dad replied calmly.
"Ori mi ko, Eleda mi ko (I reject it, my creator rejects it too)" the mother started lamenting and reminding him of how much single girls are plenty in town, in church and other places. Why is he not praying and having interest in those ones.
The night was all cold for Bamidele as he couldn't get his thought together with little or no believe that the reaction at home will be that dramatic.
Everyone went to bed that night without saying much to each other.
A week later, Bamidele called his sister to help him talk to Mummy because she was the only one that was not giving in for Bamidele to bring the lady home.
Bamidele had told Tina how his mom reacted and they both kept it at praying that God should touch mommy and change her heart so she can take Tina in at 100%.
Every ways to change the mothers mind proved abortive.
One of the weekend's that Bamidele had to bring Tina home to finally meet with his parent, it was obvious that the mother was not really cool with Tina.
"Only God know if it's her parent that didn't teach her or maybe she was taught and she chose to disgrace the family" this and many more was all Bamidele Mom was saying in the house.
The one that left Tina all teary and pained is when she heard her ranting that "only God knows how many men she has slept with before giving birth".
Seven months down the lane that Bamidele and Tina had stated their love in Tokyo game, Tina's family had called for a mini introduction of the both family.
They had planned to make the meeting point to be a neutral place rather than any of both family house.
Bukola being an extrovert and a free spirited social person had gone round the town to see the best and suitable place for such gathering.
She picked one of the fast rising popular decent and not too expensive eatery in town and they all fix the time to 6:00pm in the evening so that everyone wont have any excuse to be late.
It was also that time of the session that the students were on holiday which automatically make Princess to be around for the meeting.
The Tomori's family arrived at the meeting venue a bit earlier and they were waiting for Tina's family.
"You know we are running late, just do a light make up and let's catch up with our parent as they all would have been waiting for us" Bamidele tried to hurry Tina.
"You know I have to look all good for you baby" she replied with a smile.
Bamidele's mom had not fully taken her in but she doesn't want to be the hindrance in the happiness of his son so she had to calm down a bit.
Tina's family, the Oke came a bit late but still in time around 5:58pm and Bamidele with Tina also joined them from behind.
The day had finally come and both family needs to meet.
But they are all left with the biggest shock as they approach the meeting point.
What happened next?
Watch out for the next episode.
Saturday, 8 February 2020
"Who is Princess? I really would love to know" Bamidele asked again as he assumed Tina didn't hear the first time.
"Princess... Princess is my child. I gave birth to her 7 years ago"
"Wait...wait, you mean you have... as in you have a child?" He asked, disbelief written over him.
"On the 25th of June, 7 years ago, I was coming back from the fellowship. A friend of mine Christie by name lived in same hostel as mine and we both attended the fellowship that day. On our way back..." Tina was all in tears as she narrated her story to Bamidele.
Bamidele held her left hand and use his other hand to pat her at the back.
"What happened on your way back?" He asked.
"On our way back, 3 guys jumped out of the uncompleted building even though they have their face partially covered but I could still remember the guy that took me in while the other one took my friend. The 3rd guy was a bit younger to them and he was keeping watch if anyone was coming" she added as Bamidele interrupted to ask if she did other tests to know if she was safe health wise.
"The rape of that 7 years back is what brought about Princess, it was a shameful and painful moment for me 'cause I was in year 2 and also an exco in the fellowship. I was mocked and rejected, many couldn't believe my story since young pregnant ladies are all around the campus" she concluded as she dab her face with the handkerchief that Bamidele offered her.
"Thank God you are safe and sound. Let me just tell you one thing you need to know" Bamidele said as he adjust his sit and draw closer to Tina.
"As God lives, I wont stop loving you, I am accepting you and your past and I wont mind whatever it will cost to take care of you and the baby girl. What you just shared with me now has increased the love and respect I have for you" he said all this with assurance and the moment was so emotional for the both of them as Tina couldn't stop crying.
"Oya finish up your drink so I can go drop you at your place, I don't want to stress you of jumping bus or cab" Bamidele said as he walked to the room to go dress up and move out of the house.
That sunday seems to be a sunday with mixed feelings of joy and pain, burden and relieve as she finally felt free saying everything she had gone through to Bamidele.
Days into weeks and weeks into day, the waiting period is almost over as Bamidele parent had always looked forward to the time their son will bring someone home.
It was a weekend after the night out with boys ended due to an assignment that took Tina out of town. Bamidele drove down to his parent and her sister was also there.
"Mummy, Daddy, I have something to tell you but let's finish up with the diner so the food doesn't get too late" Bamidele suggested.
They finished the meal that night and Bamidele move to the reason for his visit.
"I have something to share with you and it's really nothing serious, but I know you've always waited for these day" he said but the mother cut in with so much curiosity.
"Abi (or) is it what I'm thinking ni?
"My dear, calm down, let's hear him out oo" Bamidele's dad interrupted.
"There is this girl in my work place, we've been seeing ourselves for about 5 months now and she's exactly the kind of woman I have always prayed for" Bamidele explained with all joy written over his face.
"My brother is in love ooo, finally mommy will let him rest eh" Bukola added.
"Victory, victory hallelujah, Jesus conquered the devil..." Bamidele's mom started singing and shouting.
"Mum, wait, there is but..."
"But?" They all exclaimed.
"But ke? Iru but wo? (what type of but)" the mother asked.
"Yes, it's not a but but like but, but you get, she's a single mother, she has a baby" he answered calmly.
"Single mother?" The sister asked.
Everywhere went silent for a few minutes before the mother broke the silence.
What did the mother say?
Watch out for the next episode.
Friday, 7 February 2020
"Hello, who am I on to?" The curiosity all written all over Mr Aminu's face.
"It's Hassan sir, we are already on our way sir" the driver called.
Mr Aminu walked as fast as he could to quickly relay the news to others as everyone was looking all tired already.
"Where have they gotten to? Where are they now? What did they say" Tina's mom couldn't stop asking question.
"Calm down dear, so far we've heard from them, they will get back to us here in peace" Tina's Dad calmly said.
Five hours later,
The driver arrived with Princess and Bella Aminu the only daughter amongst 3 brothers of Mr Aminu's children.
They all drove down to Tina's house to listen to what has really happened.
"Dad, we slept in a very nice hotel. Everything in that hotel is massive and expensive" Princess has shown her joy over the night having to sleep in the hotel for the first time.
Princess is a very smart fair young girl with a curl eye and a faint dimple that complemented her baby face, she marked her 7th year birthday some weeks back while Bella on the other side is 10 years but look a bit matured than her age.
Hassan interrupted Princess and gave a brief narrative of what had happened.
"As we approach Elebolo town, the car started acting strange and I tried to park to cross check what might be wrong" he explained and further stated that the nearest mechanic is still like 45 minutes drive away.
Hassan's phone was stolen in the process where people rallied round as if they wanted to help them was why he couldn't call the house and update them about what had happened.
The nearest assumed mechanic has travelled to the near by town where his family stays since its weekend and they couldn't get to fix the car on time..
Someone helped them and take them to the nearest hotel in the town which is own by a commissioner.
It was there that they were trying to remember the numbers at home that they could call. Princess don't know any number and Bella wasnt sure of the last 2 digit of her dads number.
In the end, their guesses were right till they were able to call the next day.
"At least let's thank God that they are here" Mr Aminu replied after listening to all that had happened.
All through the time they were sharing the story, Bamidele couldn't take his eyes off Princess.
Minutes later, Mr Aminu drove his car along the driver who drove the other car. The house is left with Tina's parents, Bamidele, Tina and Princess.
"Let me rush down to the kitchen and find something for us to eat" Tina's mom said as she walk down to the kitchen.
Tina joined her mom in the kitchen to assist with one or few things while the men were left in the living room with Princess.
Princess could not stop relating her experience over the night and how everything felt different for her.
The supposed breakfast was now lunch or we can say brunch for them now. Mama had made them yam and fish stew. Everyone ate and gist as they round off at the dining.
"Come dear, don't you think this young man needs to know who Princess is? Tina's mom said as they tried washing the plates and cups.
"Mom, I will tell him how it all happened but I've been scared of how he is going to take it" Tina explained.
"I'm set to go, ma, I need to do a few laundry and tidy up some office work ma" Bamidele bids to go.
Tina walked Bamidele down to his car.
"Babe, can you come around to my place after service tomorrow" Bamidele requested as he enters his car.
Tina agreed to visit after service that weekend so they finish their unfinished discussion.
All through his journey home, he kept thinking about what had happened over the night till the time he had to leave Tina's house.
Sunday came faster this time and service was over and Tina took the next cab down to Bamideles place.
He opened the door for her, he hugged her and usher her into his living room. They got talking from how the service was to other random talk.
"Babe, who is Princess?" Bamidele pulled the question out of their conversation.
Who is Princess? How did she come about?
Watch out in the next episode.
Thursday, 6 February 2020
"I am sorry, I should have told you this since we met but I don't know how you are going to react to it" Tina said calmly.
Dele was looking lost as he was breathing heavily from the urgent call that made him rush down to the house.
"Princess was kidnapped while coming home for the mid term holiday" Tina's mother interrupted.
The call was put across by the neighbour's so that Dele can come around to see whatever he can do to help.
"But who is Princess? I... " Dele stammered in confusion as he pressed to know who Princess was.
He leaned on the wall checking his time and it was already few minutes from 2:00am.
"I'm sorry dear, Princes is our little baby" Tina cut in breaking the silence in the room.
"Wait, wait a minute, you have a baby sister that I don't know of? Or I'm not getting what's going on here" Dele tried to calm down and continued asking further question to know what the police said after they were informed.
"They asked us to come as early as 6:30am to the station to come and file an official report so as to start the search and investigation" Tina's dad, as he joined the conversation from the dining where he was formerly seated.
"It's late already Bamidele and the gate to your estate would have been locked since its past 12. Just stay over and we can get to the station together tomorrow" Tina's mom suggested.
Bamidele was shown the way to the visitors room but every time that he tried to close his eyes, he couldn't figure out who Princess was and the more he tried, the more headache it resulted to.
The night became longer as no one was sleeping deeply as they checked the time at different intervals so as to catch up with the meeting with the police.
"Knock, knock" Tina had said as the time was already 6:00am.
Bamidele quickly moved the blanket away and wore his palm slippers to walk down to the door.
"Good morning, dear, trust you slept well?" Tina asked as they both joined the family at the living room.
"Mom lead us in short prayer and let's set out to meet with the police" Tina's dad had said and the prayer was said briefly.
Few minutes after 6, they all set out as the nearest police station to the house was like 20 minutes drive away. Since the day had not fully formed, the cars moving were few compared to that of the day.
Twenty Minutes later, they all arrived at the police station. They exchanged pleasantries and in no time, they moved to the matter that brought them down there.
"But did you try calling the driver or someone to confirm their move?" One of the officers asked them.
"We tried calling the school and they said they left since 2PM but when we call the drivers number, it has not been going through" Tina's mom said.
Everyone looked so worried and since the car that was kidnapped was for a family friend whose child too was in the car. The car belong to Mr James Aminu who happens to be Tina's Dad best friend.
In the process of filing the report, Mr Aminu also came in sad and confused as no one could place where exactly their children could be at the moment.
"Its a Nissan Primera green colour car" Mr Aminu tried to describe the car to the police and as well as what his driver looked like.
The police assured them that the best would be done to make sure they help find their children.
"Let's also visit the Radio/TV station to tell them to help us announce four missing children in a car and a driver" Bamidele suggested.
All of this had been going on for almost 3 hours, no one even thought about food. How to get those children back home was all that was on everyone's mind.
An hour later, a call came through.
"Hello, who am I on to?" Mr Aminu holding the phone firmly to his ears.
Who called? What happened?
Watch out for the next episode
Wednesday, 5 February 2020
"What's going on right now?" Justina asked, facing her mom.
"Mom, what is it that I don’t know?" she asked curiously while Bamidele was standing confused as he was looking at everyone's face.
"So this is the Dele, Dele you have been talking about all this while Tina?" the mother asked.
"Yes, mommy but what's going on?" she was getting more confused.
Justina's mother who happened to be a renowned businesswoman in town, very inquisitive, fair and plump size woman with a birth mark close around her neck that complemented her beauty.
On the other hand, Mr Oke, Justina's dad was a Reverend of the church after he retired as a Director in a consultancy firm.
The mother sat them all down and served them food that evening. She left everyone with the suspense of what had happened or how she might have met Bamidele before.
After dinner that night, it was already past 8 and Bamidele's place was like an hour and thirty minutes.
"Help me with this plates to the kitchen" Tina mother requested.
As they both walked down to the kitchen, Justina's dad engaged Bamidele in a man to man conversation while the mother in the kitchen was also doing same.
"Justina my darling, you cant marry that boy out there" mother said as confusion was all written over Tina's face.
"But...but mom why? What are you not telling me?" She pleaded as the mother insist.
The conversation was interrupted by the shout from the dinning as Tina's dad called them out to inform them that it was getting late and Dele had to get going.
"Mama Tina, where are you ooo?"
Justina and her mother walked down to the dining to join her dad and Bamidele. The mother kept smiling so her displeasure won't be seen on her face.
"Thanks for coming, it is really nice having you around" Justina mother said as they all stand to walk Bamidele down to where he parked his car.
"Goodnight, my son, have a nice night" Tina's dad said as they all stand and waved Dele as he drove out of the compound.
Everything that had happened that night kept ringing in Bamidele's mind. So many "how's" and "why's".
Weeks later, everyone was still silent about the 'what' behind Tina not marrying Bamidele even though Tina did not discuss it with Bamidele after the visit.
Days rolled by, the intimacy and closeness between the duo was so unbreakable that everyone in office teased them. At a point, the immediate supervisor said "this two should get the award of best couples" and everyone laughed about it.
One of the weekends, Bamidele got home and retired to his bed, minutes later, a call came in and he quickly sat up from his bed to listen keenly to what the person had to say.
"Yes, I can hear you clearly... yes I am Bamidele Tomori" he looked more confused but trying to be calm.
"Kidnapped? By who? when did that happened? He check his time and he realised it was already past 11.
"I will come, I am coming right away" he rushed down to his car and zoomed off.
Who was kidnapped? What happened next?
Watch out for the next episode
Tuesday, 4 February 2020
"Bukola, my dear" she runs to her as they both greeted each other, the noise from the entrance got into Bamidele's in the room.
"So mom, this is how you always sneak to enjoy in your own son's house leaving your husband alone at home abi" she teased her mother as they both walked down to the dining room.
In the middle of their conversation, Bamidele walked down to the living room to join his mother and her sister.
"Baby Sis, sorry that I couldn't pick your calls yesterday, a lot happened altogether" he said, looking all tired as he speaks to his sister.
"Well, I have made us breakfast even though I do not know your sister will meet us here today" mama beamed as they all walk down to the dining room.
It was from one gist to another and before they knew it, the morning has moved down to evening time.
"Wow, it's already past 4 and I almost forgot that I have laundry to do" Bamidele said as he walked down to the laundry room.
The weekend happened faster than the usual having the family around to keep Bamidele's company.
Days rolled by and it had been two weeks that mama had left as well as Bukola who only stayed for Saturday and Sunday before going back to her place.
On a beautiful Monday morning, the Board called for a meeting which includes all staff of the company Bamidele works in.
After a few deliberation, a new staff was introduced and everyone welcomed the new staff with rounds of applause while the new staff stand to introduce herself.
"I am Justina Oke and I will be assisting the Head of Marketing Department" she said as everyone exchanged pleasantries.
Justina was a light skinned young lady with dimple, her long hair was out of this world with her nerd glasses.
Miss Justina's office is adjacent to that of Bamidele and they got to connect faster than any other person in the company.
Justina was already counting days and days turning weeks into months as the unexplainable friendship was growing between Justina and Bamidele.
Weekends were now for other outings that Bamidele was almost skipping his boys night hangout.
One of the afternoon, his two friends called to see him by the coming weekend to catch up with so many gist.
The weekend was around the corner and he wasn't sure of his availability to his friend as his friendship with Justina had gone to the next level.
"Hello guys, can we make the meeting 7 instead of 8 because I have another meeting by 8:pm and I won't want to disappoint" was what he was saying on the phone to his friends that noon.
It was weekend already and Bamidele finally met with his friends after skipping about 5 meetings already.
"Guy, tell us wetin dey sup na" Femi had said but before he could round up his question Olu walked in with 3 cups and a drink in his hand.
"Alaye, wetin dey sele (what's going on)?, you are just scarce" Olu had said.
Bamidele apologise for been unavailable for the past few weekends now, he also added to the gist by telling them about his interest in the new staff at their work place.
"Guys, I'm going to be meeting with her family next week. She invited me over for a dinner" Bamidele said with smile on his face.
"Oshey baba mi (well done)" Olu shouted while Femi raised his cup up and request them to do the same as they made a toast to Bamidele new found love.
The meeting ended that day and they all departed to their separate ways.
Finally, the day was here to meet with the family of Justina. Justina been the only child made her to be over pampered and over cared for.
"Good evening sir, Good evening ma" Bamidele greeted the parent prostrating.
"Is this not Bamidele Tomori?" the mother exclaimed.
Everyone was left with the biggest shock and surprise.
"What's going on right now?"
Find out in the next episode
Monday, 3 February 2020
"Mom, go ahead I'm listening to you" he said as mama took a sip from her drink.
"Bamidele, you know you are my only son and I want the best for you. As you're enjoying my meal tonight, it could have been your wife doing this for you"
He was already tired of hearing all things in line with girls. He couldn't end the conversation like he had always done on phone calls.
Mama brought out her small Nokia android phone leaving Bamidele wondering what mama was up to.
"Mom, do you want to call anyone by this time of the night?" he said as he pointed to the watch on the wall to remind mama that the time was few minutes past 11pm.
Bamidele had been listening, but not with full attention as he was eating on the other hand. He was looking all tired already and it was like he should get a remote and fast forward whatever was left mama want to say.
"Come let me show you the list" she said will all concern written on her face but Bamidele on the other hand was left in awe as mama continued.
"I have the list of beautiful girls from our area. Some from the church and others from our street" She adjusted her glasses and drew her chair even more closer.
"My son, Juliana is 27 and single, young and vibrant while Yomade is tall and light skinned" she teased him as she said further "I know you like omo pupa (fair girls)."
Mama kept on mentioning and mentioning names till the time it had gotten to the height of what he couldn't take.
He furiously hit his hand on the dining table as his face were all red due to the stress from the day and also to the unexpected list mama is talking about.
"Mom! I have to go and sleep now, I am extremely tired". He said as he walked away talking.
"Also mama, please don't wake me up until it's 11am because I need to sleep well. Goodnight mom"
Mama claps her hands in surprise of how her son had been sounding like he wasn't interested in talking about any girls at home.
Mama went to her room that night and as usual, mama was the kind of woman that doesn't joke with prayer. Prayer had never failed her and she know the God she was serving.
On mama's phone, she had different prayer alarm for different time. She hasn't slept for 2 hours when her phone alarm started ringing, immediately she picked it up, she already knew what it means.
Meanwhile, any time that mama came around with her once in a blue moon visit, she was always lodged in the second room as Bamidele's house was a 2 bedroom boy's quarters.
The room is been divided by toilet, bathroom and laundry room. The rooms were not too far from each other enough for anyone to talk in the other room and it could be as loud as the person was talking inside that same room.
It was 2am already and mama knelt down by her bedside, tying her wrapper to her chest having a white camisole underneath.
She started praying and the pace of the prayer was going from low to high at a certain point that Bamidele on the other side couldn't help but cover his head with the pillow.
Bamidele was forced to walk down to mama's room to knock and open her door but as at that time, mama was almost rounding up her prayer.
"Whoever is saying my son will not marry, let them die by fire! die die die..." mama was sweating profusely.
"Thank you Lord for promising not to shame me. I will forever praise you Lord" mama rounding up as she switch to singing different Yoruba praise song.
"Bamidele, o sun ni (you are not sleeping)?." She asked in surprise as she found her son in her bedroom.
"Mom, how will I? how will I sleep when you have killed all your village people and those who doesn't want you to see grandchildren by fire?" Bamidele said with all displeasure written all over his face.
"Well, well, If we can't have a peaceful physical conversation about why you are still yet to talk about anyone, I said we should take it a bit spiritual ni"
Bamidele wasn't totally ready for all this and he was beginning to think on how to start asking mama when she was going back but he kept his cool as he walked back to his room to continue his sleep.
Night fading off as it was getting bright outside already. Mama checked her phone time as the phone backlight flash through her dimmed eyes.
"Ah, 7am already. Let me go find something to cook. I'm hungry already"
Mama got to the kitchen and found out that there is almost nothing at home. No soup left, no stew as well. She was not totally unfamiliar with the street.
Mama rushed out to get some ingredients and other stuff around making soup and stew that will at least take Bamidele for the week.
Some minutes later, mama got back home, washed the dishes and set everywhere right.
The aroma from the kitchen was so catchy and can leave anyone wanting and salivating whatever been cooked in the building.
Mama was rounding up and thinking of how to go wake Bamidele up as the time now is past 10.
Before mama could move from kitchen down to the dining, she heard a knock on the door.
"Who's there?" Mama curiously asked but a part of mama was thinking it could be the neighbor's or any other random person that love the aroma of her food.
"Who's there, I am coming" mama said.
As she opened the door, she couldn't believe her eyes.
What did mama see?
Who is there?
Watch out for the next episode.
Sunday, 2 February 2020
The sight got all blurry and focus weren't clear as flash light from both side of the road were pointing to him to stop.
As he was getting closer, the pace in which he was driving was getting slower. He thought to himself that why will the police officers be operating this late inside the rain.
"Young man, stop this car" a tall guy with a deep bass voice said and immediately, he commanded Bamidele to roll down the window. Bamidele did but trying to clear his curiosity and asked immediately "How may I help you sir?"
The man laughed sarcastically placing his hand on the car saying "what if you are the one that needs our help?"
This left Bamidele more confused as the man kept laughing, Bamidele's heart beat was increasing like someone trying to mix a beat in mind.
"In what sense sir?" Bamidele asked but to his uttermost surprise, the man said to him that they meant no harm.
"We got a call some minutes ago that the bridge that is leading to Road 3 has been damaged, that's why we were instructed by oga to come and stand here to direct people" he smiled as he asked Bamidele to go and drive gently.
Bamidele who was nervous already, sighed heavily as he drove away but all through the time he was with the officers, his phone had been ringing but he didn't know.
Minutes later, he arrived at his apartment just to find his mother waiting and sitting at the gate of his house.
"Mama B" as he fondly call his mother "you didn't even tell me you were coming over" he said as he was closing the car door, having his suit laid across his other hand and his tie sagging down on his shirt.
"So I have to take permission before coming to see my own son" Mama replied raising her eye brow.
Bamidele assisted Mama who was looking all tired and fagged out in her Ankara skirt and blouse and her small handy leather bag.
"Mum, but how long have you been waiting outside and why didn't you call me so to hasten my coming home?" Bamidele said out of concern but mama shoved it all out by letting him know she's tired and she needs to rest first.
As tired as mama was, she had gone to the kitchen to prepare rice so that she can eat and Bamidele as well.
Bamidele had the chance to check his phone and realised mama had called for about 7 times but he missed her calls.
He dropped his phone and went straight to shower as well as freshen up. The drama that happened during the day kept ringing and playing in his head.
"Bamidele, come down oo! Your food is going to get cold" mama shouted.
Few minutes later, Bamidele joined mama at the dining table as they started mother to son gist.
"Mom, this your food is just so delicious, that's why dad keep looking so fresh and young" he teased his mom but mama wasn't even ready for the whining because what she had on her mind was far way deeper than that.
"Bamidele my son, I have something very important to discuss with you"
What did mama want to say?
Watch out for what next
Saturday, 1 February 2020
"Father Lord, I commit Bamidele's life to your able hands, let him bring me home his wife as I'm growing old and those that are not even up to me are been called grandma, grandma..." Mama Bamidele was praying that morning before she was interrupted by her husband.
"In Jesus name we pray... It is few minutes past 3:00 am and you haven't slept since. If it is about Bamidele, when the time is right, he will bring someone" Baba Bamidele said calmly.
Mr and Mrs Tomori, the couple whose marriage was worth emulating celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary with their two children 2 weeks back. Bamidele Tomori and Bukola Tomori had been the blessing over their marriage.
Bamidele Tomori, a tall dark and handsome guy with pink lips that attracts every lady. He had built up himself so much that every shirt and suit he puts on always fits him like he was made for the cloth or rather, the clothes was made for him. He always had his nice hair on low cut and well carved beards.
Bamidele who was now 36 and still single was the Managing Director of a renowned Company in the state and he assumed the position ever since he returned from Canada about 3 years ago.
On the other hand, Bukola his sister who is an extreme extrovert, slim and curvy with her afro parked hair was also a senior staff in a Multimedia company in the state. Even though the age gap between them was not too much as she just clocked 32 some months ago.
The song of "when will I have my own grand child" had been on repeat on Mrs Tomori's lips so much that everyone was tired of hearing that.
One of the nights, Mrs Tomori put a call through to Bamidele and the call almost ended with a big fight.
"Hello, are you listening to me?" Mrs Bamidele asked as she paced up and down in her room.
"Mom, I can hear you and please make the call snappy because I had a long tiring day at work" Bamidele said calmly.
"Bamidele, Bamidele, Bamidele! How many times did I call you? See, omo mi (my child) your dad and I are not getting any younger, when do you want to introduce us to your fiance? She asked with a sad face but the reply she got that night almost gave her a sleepless night
"See mommy, I've had enough of all this bring your fiance home, I want to have my grand child. Mom, I wont deceive you, most of those girls around only want my money and I haven't seen any one I love. I'm sorry mom, let this be the last time you will disturb me over this matter, you are not letting me concentrate, goodnight mom" he ended the call as tears almost strolled down Mrs Tomori's face.
Weekend came faster than the usual that week and it was Friday hangout with Bamidele and his friends. There is this popular pepper soup joint down the road where Bamidele and his 2 other friends do meet and talk on Friday evenings.
"My guy, how far now? See how you look all stressed out, what's up na?" Olu Johnson, one of Bamidele friends said out of curiosity.
"I just have so many things going on lately, I can't even think straight" Bamidele said worryingly but before he could conclude what he was saying, Femi Akande interrupted with his usual shout.
"My people, my people, twale for my goons" everyone laughed as Femi was the most jovial out of the three jolly friends and there was no dull moment with him.
"Won’t you guys order and let's gist about our week as we always do" Olu said and ordered for pepper soup and drinks.
"Guys, I'm worried and tired about how momsy is pressuring me about bringing home someone" Bamidele complained as he gulped his drink.
"You know say, time no dey baba mi. You too should do quick and at least mention one girl name to calm her down" Femi suggested but Olu kicked against that saying "don't give mama false hope abeg, let them know you are working on it and very soon you will bring home someone"
They talked all night till it was past 9pm and everyone went their separate homes.
As Bamidele was driving home that evening, it started drizzling and his sight were blurry and focus was getting dimmed.
What happened? Watch out for the next episode!
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