Wednesday 16 June 2021

THIRTY PLUS Ep 16-Finale

Story by O'nezer 

Episode 16 ( Finale)

My sister's wedding was scheduled for August and preparation was on top gear towards a successful ceremony.

I recieved the salary for June and I left my job. I knew I needed some time off to reflect on my life and seek the way forward.

"My dear, I am not against any of your decisions at this point. I believe God has a plan for my life  and his thoughts are far  greater and better  than ours" my father said that afternoon when he realised i left my job. Although it didn't seat well with my mother.

My sister's wedding came and people rallied round from far and near. Although I was happy that my sister was getting married , but i was sad at the same time.

 The reasons for my sadness is not far fetched. Firstly, the person I never wanted, ended up being converted and now married to my sister. Secondly my own younger sister was now married, while me, her elder sister does not have a serious relationship going on, even at 32.

"Yours is next?" One of my aunt said 

"When are you even getting married? You are not getting younger oo" one of the church members said. I felt like punching that woman in the face but I had to calm my nerves down.

The day ended more sad for me as everywhere I moved to, people didn't stop reminding me of my age and how long I've been unmarried. 

The wedding was over and everyone went to their homes. I knew I would be needing a new job and most importantly a change of environment that won't remind me of all the past drama.

I was praying one night and God took me down memory lane. I started thanking him and  I placed myself on a  21 days praise session. 

My worries began to fade and my mood got brighter. My parents didn't understand  the secret to my happiness, but at the end of the 21 days, I shared my praise journey with them.

During the 21 days praise session, God  inspired me to start early morning cry and evangelism in my area. 6am every morning, I step out of the house with a bell and bible in my hand to tell the world about the love of God and his power to save.

A month after I started the morning evangelism, I set out dressed in a straight striped gown and my hair covered with a black scarf singing and jingling the bell.

"Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey" 

I mistakenly stumbled on a man who was trying to tie his shoe lace. I apologised and wanted to leave , but the man stopped me.

"Sister, I didn't know they now have someone who comes out to do early morning evangelism here" he said and I was surprised at what he was saying 

"Yes, I said that is because God laid it in my heart 3 months ago to start and I've been doing it from street to street. Today is the turn of this street, and I was heading here when I began to hear the voice of someone singing and talking from afar. I wanted to tie my shoe lace so I can catch up with the person and here you are" he concluded. 

"My name is Caleb, how about you?" He asked as we walked and talked along. I told him my name and that was how we started coming out to do evangelism together.

I already applied for a job at another broadcasting house. I knew I had a lot to share with my listeners and I couldn't wait to go back to hosting my favorite programs. I was called to resume work the next month, which was September.

"Sister Gloria, I have something to tell you" Caleb said to me at close of work that day. 

"I have been praying for a while now about a life partner and the holy spirit has been dropping your name in my heart repeatedly. I am sorry, but I have been praying about this and I will suggest you do the same" he said and I was left in shock, because I didn't see it coming at all.

We were still seeing every morning for the morning evangelism, but he wasn't pressuring me nor talking about the relationship. 

After a month and 2 weeks, I had gotten all the confirmation that I asked from God. I checked our vision and mission alongside purpose. I felt the peace of God about it and I can say it was God at work.

I finally gave him my answer and prayed about it together.  Caleb is a tall light skinned young man. He works as an HR in one of the loan firms  in town nd I wondered how he was able to manage the responsibilities, but he shared a brief story with me

"I was on a journey one night in my car. I had fuel inside a small keg in front. Along the line, there was a spark and the car caught fire. It was a narrow escape for me with a little burn and that was when I made a covenant with God. I told him that I know I can't pay him for what he has done, but I will begin early morning evangelism to tell the world about the love of God" he said in one of our conversations.

We had our  courtship for about 6 months and today being our Thanksgiving sunday after our wedding, I want to thank the Lord almighty for all that he has been to me. For the ups and downs, for the mountains and Valleys. I can boldly say today that through it all, God is good.

This is my message to everyone out there, that no matter how late it may seem, GOD'S WILL IS GOOD, GOD'S PLAN IS BETTER AND GOD'S TIME IS THE BEST.

Don't let the age pressure put you in the wrong relationship or wrong environment. It is only the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow with it.

And if you are already in the wrong relationship due to pressure or whatever reason, may God give you the grace to let go and let God.

I will leave you with one of my favourite bible text

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Thank you and God bless you all.

I handed over the mic to the MC as I walked down the podium with the assistance of my husband who was also wearing the same Ankara fabric as mine. 



1. Pamilerin

2. The wedding reception

3. Last Sunday evening

4. End of the tunnel

5. Dark path

6. Adopted

7. Adebimpe

8. Facebook fiancé

9. Corper Wale

10. The wait

11. Lily

12. Shattered

13. Boomerang (story of brother bode)

14. Beyond the shade

15. Happy child with many sorrow

16. Sleevless 

17. FOLA

18. The Leap Year


20. BUT


Tuesday 15 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 15 

I struggled to stand up from bed. I looked at the wall clock and realised that the time was past 10AM. 

"Your sister is on her way already and she is close by" my mother said as she walked out of my room.

I had a shower and wore a simple gown. Mom wanted to treat the lucky man to a special delicacy, so she prepared ofe onugbu and pounded yam, an indigenous anambra meal. She already set the table with the mindset that once my sister comes, we would eat first and then get to talk.

There was a knock on the door and finally, my sister and her guest walked in, hands locked together. She wore a simple ankara maxi gown, while the young man wore a well tailored powdered blue native attire.

"Segun!!!   Are you for real? I shouted.

"Gloria?" He said.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I wiped my face repeatedly, leaving everyone confused as to  how I got to know Segun.

I relayed the story to the family of how Segun would call day and night  because he wanted to marry me, but I kept declining. I was disgusted by his sight and the fact that he wasn't born again was a big turn off for me.

After breakfast that morning, I was curious to know how Grace and Segun met. I know few months ago isn't the same as today. 

"If you remembered the last time I called, I told you i had something I wanted to share with you and you promised to call back, but you didn't" Segun started.

I felt really bad for  ignoring him all along.

"After I was repeatedly rejected by Gloria here, one Friday night on my way back from club, I had an encounter that changed my life. I started feeling a sharp pain in my chest and it went on for 2 weeks. One of the moments was when I called Gloria so she can lead me to Christ but she wouldn't pick my call" he said while sitting up.

"A church team was on a visit to the hospital i was admitted in one Sunday and that was how I met this my lovely and wonderful fiance. She led me to Christ and since then, I have been living for Him and Him alone" he concluded and guilt flooded my heart.

I apologised and told him about how I prayed for him once a while too and he said he didn't hold anything against me as well. My parents were happy to see how everything  turned out to be. They prayed for them and we caught up on other gists. 

"We will like to be on our way now so we can get home early." Segun said. Segun came with his car and they bid us bye as he drove off.

The thought of  how I failed to win a soul for God all in the name of allowing emotions to lead instead of the Holy Spirit haunted me.

All through the weekend, I didn't hear from Jude, he wasn't picking his calls nor replying  messages online. I got to work on Monday and I asked of Jude, but I was left with a big shock hearing that he drove into a pole that crashed his car and left him injured brutally on Friday. 

"How did you know?" I asked one of the guys at work and he said that passersby found his ID card and told the MD about it.

I cried and cried, I wasn't myself all day till we closed from work. I quickly rushed to the hospital and realized that he was on oxygen. 

"His chances of surviving is slim. He has been in coma since Friday ma'am" Doctor Pius said.

3 days later, I went to the hospital to check on him again, but to my surprise he was not in his ward. I asked if he had been transferred to a bigger hospital for better treatment

"We tried our best but we lost him" Doctor Pius said and I broke down in tears 

His family was contacted and the burial arrangements was set for a week later as they  didn't  want his corpse to stay too long in the mortuary. 

I had grown so found of Jude and it was hard to let go of him. It took a while for me to accept the reality of his demise. I became completely withdrawn from everyone and everything. I could hardly concentrate at work.

3 months after my sister and Segun's first visit to our house, the wedding date was fixed and preparations began gradually.


Monday 14 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 14

"It's your sister" my mother said.

"Hello my dear, how are you?" Mum asked to be sure if everything was alright. 

"It is nothing really, are you in same place with daddy?" She asked. I was beginning to get scared it could be something serious. 

"You are now on loud speaker, speak on my dear" my mother said.

"Okay mom... there is this guy i  want to tell you about, we will be coming to home together next weekend" my sister said.

"Come and join me sing Hallelujah, Jehovah Jireh has done me well..." my mother started singing without even asking details about the person.

"Hello... are you there?" My sister asked from the other side.

"We will be expecting you both then" dad said as my sister ended the call.

In the mood of celebrating with my sister that she finally has someone, mom almost ruined the moment again with her pressure. 

"You see, you see your sister now. As for you, we don't even know the direction you are facing" she said mockingly. 

"Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end" I told my mother and  reminded her that God's time is the best. 

On Sunday morning, we had our regular service and Emma wasn't in sight. I was so happy that I would no longer be forced into a relationship with Emma. 

Service ended and I stumbled on one of my childhood friends Temiloluwa. She has been married since she was 29 , but with no child.

"The pressure you get when you are 30 plus is different from when you are under 30. Everyone has been telling me one thing or the other. I will be 32 next month and the pressure keeps increasing by the day" she said.

We talked about her delay with child birth. I tried to encourage her that sometimes God allows delay so as to give us a bigger testimony. I don't know who made the rule that if you don't have some certain things at 30, you may not have them again. 

Till I got home that Sunday, different thoughts were just going through my head. It's so ironic  that some people have the cap, but no head. Some have head, but no cap, while Some have  head bigger than their cap. Everyone with their challenges. 

Still in thought, a scripture dropped in my heart. 

2nd Corinthians 4 

"8: We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed".

The new week soon started and everyday, I get to see Jude. A part of me wanted the relationship but another part of me was finding it hard to understand the uneasiness in my spirit. 

"Are you still not going to say anything? You are not done praying?" Jude said out loud during one of our conversations after work.

I told him I wasn't done praying and that I want to be sure before entering any relationship. I wasn't done talking when Jude snapped out. He became furious and I can bet that I haven't seen him that angry before.

"Get out of my car"

"You said what?" I asked to be sure. 

"Don't make me repeat myself, get out please" he said in a very harsh tone.

I had to get down of his car and started looking for a cab. The rain has started and I quickly ran to take cover in front of a closed kiosk. When I couldn't wait again, I entered the rain and I was lucky to see a bike man going towards my area even though the charges was much but I didn't mind. 

Thank God it was a Friday, I knew I would get enough rest onSaturday. I was totally wet from head to toe. 

I lost appetite to eat that night. My mother was thinking it was because I was beaten by rain. I only had coffee for myself and I couldn't get over the drama that happened with Jude. I know I hadn't gone out of line if i still wanted to pray more  to get clarity about choosing a life partner. 

It's sometimes better to marry late and marry right than rush into marrying anyone available and regret it.

After the family devotions that night, I couldn't sleep as many things were playing through my mind.

"Look at Felicia who I'm 4 years older than, she is married now with 3 kids."

"See Ebele, she is living her best life with her husband in the states. Her daughter is still calling me aunty."

"Even my sister is already bringing someone home? Why is my own case different?

I cried into the night as depression was almost crawling in. I couldn't even say a word of prayer or do any spiritual exercise. 

I didn't know when I eventually slept off.

"Wake up... don't you know what time it is?" My mom came to wake me up.


Sunday 13 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 13

"Please talk to me, what is the issue?" The usher at the entrance explained to my mom that it is the overseer's son who just got back.

"What happened to him? Hope he is safe?" My mother asked since we were all curious to know.

"Someone was trying to park his car, but in the process scratched Emma's car and in a flash, it resulted in a big fight. He was really throwing his wealth at the old man's face, asking him if he knows how much his car is  worth. Before we knew what was happening, he hit the man and the man passed out. We had to rush the man to the hospital. His parents has taken him away from the church premises" the usher explained. 

The shock on my mother's face at that moment cannot be explained. She was just blinking her eyes and sighing at intervals.

"Thank God I didn't force this girl into marrying Emma o" my mother said silently as we walked into the church. 

Service was over and we all went home. Mom put a call through to Emma's mom to let her know she heard of what happened and wanted to greet her. It was from the call that we got to know that the man was responding to treatment and getting better.

"Imagine if that man had died? What will the world be saying? Blogs and newspapers would have carried it, that a pastor's child killed someone." my father said.

We had our night devotion that Sunday evening and I noticed that my mother's voice was loud in thanksgiving that she didn't make the mistake of forcing me to marry Emma. 

It was Monday morning already and I saw Jude at work, I tried talking to him but he was cold and not exciting as usual. I know he was yet to get over what happened over the weekend. 

We finally talked towards the close of day and he told me how humiliated he felt with everything that happened that day, but he was more fine and we can forget about it.

3 months into my friendship with Jude, he officially asked me to start a relationship with him. I was happy that he finally wanted me to be with him. It was like a dream come true for me, because he is someone I really admired. In fact, i had fantasized being married to him at a time, but i knew they were only fantasies and that the will of God is sovereign for my life.

"About your request, give me a little more time to pray about it" I told him on one of the evenings he dropped me off at home. I saw how unhappy he looked when he heard that I still wanted to pray about it. He believed that since we have been moving together, it should be a yes straight up.

I got home that nigt and I felt the urge to pray and be clear about the whole relationship thing. At every instance I mentioned Jude's name, 2 bible passages kept on coming to my mind simultaneously. 

Proverbs 14:12 

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" 

Proverbs 3:

"5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

"6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

I didn't really understand both text even though they are written in English.

I rounded up my prayers and slept. Jude is a spec for me, he understands my silence. He knows when to make me smile and also understands my space. On many nights, he would send me lovely text messages and by morning, i would wake up to some selected shout out songs from him.

The week ended and we were  having family time that Saturday morning when a call came in.

"Who's that?" My dad asked my mom as the call came through her phone.


Saturday 12 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 12

My overthinking mind had wandered around in split seconds on the reason for my father's shout.

"My friend, my friend" Emma's mother said at the sight of my mother. I was so pissed that I didn't know when I hissed. The way daddy shouted like it was some emergency, only to see it's something as ordinary as someone visiting and to make matters worse, it was Emma's mother.

"Where is Emma?" My mother asked.

"I left him to park the car well, he will join us shortly." Emma's mother said.

"Good afternoon ma" Jude greeted, but he was ignored. I could see how unhappy he looked. I was standing at the dining watching  the drama going on.

Emma walked in, dressed in a round - necked polo on blue Jean and white sneakers. Without saying much, you will know that he just got back to Nigeria.

He extended his hands to shake my father, but my father ignored him. He was surprised seeing that Emma had lost the courtesy of greeting elders well.

Jude was gradually feeling uncomfortable and I didn't know how to save the moment so it doesn't end dramatic. 


"Hello" I said back. My cold response to his greeting should be enough for him to know that I'm not interested in having anything to do with them.

"Go and help me check what's on fire" my mother said.

"I will like to take my leave now sirs and mas, thanks so much" Jude said trying to fake a smile.

"Hold on a minute, let me see you off" I quickly replied. 

As Jude was about to walk out of the door, he mistakenly stepped on Emma's shoe. Jude apologised but Emma didn't have it at all.

"Are you blind?" 

"But I just apologised. I am sorry okay." Jude said calmly.

"The shoe that I got for 100 dollars, you know how much that is? 

"It's okay, that's enough." Emma's mum intervened. 

Jude left on a bad note. Although I apologised  to him and he insisted that it's fine, but deep down, I knew it was not fine.

Food was served after mom and her friend finished their unending conversation. Emma on the other hand was focused on his iPad, while  my father watched  the news.

"The table is set" I called on everyone and they moved to the dining.

"Bless this food O Lord, for Christ sake" my father prayed as we all chorused "Amen".

At the first spoon of food Emma tasted, he started complaining about the food.

"What sort of wack meal is this?" He said.  My mother's face was lit up. I could see that she was angry, but didn't know what to say because she was too surprised to talk. His mother hit him with her elbow to caution him. 

I hoped that this incidence would make my mother see reasons why Emma would never be an option. She can't use me to strengthen the relationship with her friend by marrying me off to that spoilt child.

We all ate that afternoon except Emma who requested for fried plantain and juice alone.

Emma and his mother left and it was then reality dawned on my mother that she was almost making the wrong decisions for me.

"The boy is very rude. I thought he would be better by now" my father said as he showed his displeasure over Emma's attitude. 

"I didn't know it has gone this bad. He is over 30 already and I thought he should be old enough to..." my mother didn't finish the statement before I interrupted her.

"To what mummy? It is not by age, maturity is not  by age and thank God you've seen it yourself" I added. 

A bigger part of me was excited that finally my mother will stop pressuring me. 

"And please, when you get to work on Monday, help us apologise to that young man that came" my daddy said as he went into his room.

I tried communicating with Jude online, but he left all my messages unattended to. I knew he was still mad because of what happened. I concluded that I would see him on Monday and we would sort things out...

The next day was a sunday and we were set for church. Since church wasn't too far from home, we left the house some minutes past 8. Service starts at 9am, so we knew we could still make it to church before then.

My dad isn't involved in any church role, but mum as I early said was the everywhere kind of person. On getting to church, we saw people gathered outside, but we didn't understand what was going on.

"Please, what's happening?" My mother asked as she alighted from the car.


Friday 11 June 2021


Episode 11.

"We will be expecting you, okay, see you soon" my mother ended the call and immediately  faced me to share the news of Emma's arrival. 

"I know he is back mummy, please spare me Emma's matter." I said with my eye brow raised. I didn't want her to continue talking. 

My sister had been called back at her work place, after investigating the incidence with her boss. Kingsley was dismissed for extortion and other misconduct, while my sister's immediate boss, who couldn't do much  again because of his health, was forced to retire.

I was angrily walking to my room when I heard knocks on the door. I knew I wasnt expecting anyone, so I peeped through the window, but couldn't see the face clearly.

I opened the door and I couldn't believe whom  my eyes saw.

"Jude, you didn't tell me you were coming" I said surprised.

"Guess you are not happy to see me, I can just go back" Jude said with a serious tone.

Ever since I've been friends with Jude, he has never visited my house. I've always avoided letting him know my house, so i always alight a few junctions before my actual stop.

"Not that, I was just surprised. Come in please" I could hear my mom asking who was at the door, since she noticed I was just  standing there. 

"Good afternoon ma" he greeted prostrating. 

"Good afternoon" my mother replied with a fake smile. You could easily tell if my mom is faking a smile. 

"Ehn, won't you serve your visitor something?" My mom said facing me

"What will you like to take?" She further asked Jude but he said he was fine and if he needed anything, he would let us know.

"Excuse me, I will join you shortly" my mother went to my father's room and that was when I had the opportunity to ask Jude how he got my house address and why  he came.

"One of the evenings after I dropped you at the regular spot,  I zoomed off to make sure you don't see me and  made a U-turn instead. I parked the car a few poles away and followed the turnings and directions you took. The moment I spotted the compound you entered,I quickly turned back" He explained ,but I was thinking within me why he would want to know my place.

"I'm kind of free this weekend, so I decided to visit some family members and friends,  but it won't be complete if I don't extend my visit to you" he concluded.

Ever since I've been moving with Jude, I haven't been answering Segun's call. I just didn't want to have  anything to do with him in anyway. After all, what's the relationship between darkness and light. On many occasion that God dropped his name in my heart to pray for him, I just rush the prayers and move to other serious person.

"Good afternoon sir" Jude prostrated again, as he saw my father walk down from his room to the living room where we were both seated. 

"Good afternoon, welcome" my father and his few words. I didn't know what my mother could have said to him in the room but I was waiting to see the reaction on their faces. 

"Gloria, please come and assist me here in the kitchen" my mother called out to me. I knew that assisting would lead to further questioning.

My father and Jude were left in the living room and I went with mum to the kitchen.

"So who is that young man o?" My mother asked to clear her curiosity and I told her he is a colleague at work. A Christian brother as well who is smart, caring and all. 

"Why didn't you mention him all this while?" My mother and her inquisitive nature. 

I didn't mention anything to them at home, because we were only friends and nothing more."

My mother was cutting the vegetables while I was rinsing the rice on fire and talking simultaneously. 

"But where do you want to put Emma?" My mother asked and I almost lost it because I do not see Emma as someone I can settle with. We haven't even seen for almost 7 years now.

"Dear... dear... please come" I heard my father's voice from the living room.

My mother and I dropped all we were doing and rushed down to the living room.


Thursday 10 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 10

"What else do you want from me? What exactly?" I ranted.

"Oh! sorry, I think you are not in a good mood. I Just wanted to tell you that you forgot your flask in my car. I'll come with it to work tomorrow" the person said and that was  when I realised that it was not Segun but Jude, who just dropped me off few minutes ago.

I had forgotten that in the middle of our conversation he collected my number, but I didn't remember to save his. 

I thanked him and dropped the call, then i joined the family at dinner. Mum and my sister had already  boiled rice, garnished with vegetables and fried plantain.

No one mentioned what happened earlier in the day to my father. We finished dinner, had our evening devotions and everyone went to their rooms.

I laid on my bed, rolling from one end of the bed to the other. I was finding it hard to sleep. I closed my eyes and tried to force sleep, but it just wasn't coming. It was when I checked the time it dawned on me that I've been rolling around for almost an hour.

I took out my note pad, checked through the list where I wrote the names of people to pray for and realised that I still had a long way to go. I have been overwhelmed with the hustle- bustle of life.

"Father Lord, please pray for Kayepe family, give them their own children. Please pray for Bro Josiah, let him get a well paying  job. Sis Brenda is well over 30, send her the bone of her bone and flesh of her flesh" I kept on picking one name after the other and mentioning specifically their obvious challenges. 

This went on and on for about 2 hours and when I checked my time, it was past 2am already. There is a kind of joy that comes with tarrying long in the place of prayer. I felt very light and happy that I didn't know when I eventually slept off.

Morning came so quickly that it felt i had only slept for a minute, I wish I could have more. The advantage of having my sister around is that food was always ready and she is always coming to wake me up. It is not like mom won't cook but many times, her cooking comes with a reminder of me being quick about bringing  home a husband. 

"Good morning" 

"Good morning" I greeted back as everyone moved to their work space. The day hadn't really started when  my head began to ache. I was pushing through so no one would know how I was feeling.

"You look so stressed, is everything okay?"

 my eyes was fixed on my system, i  struggled to look up to realise that Jude was already leaning on my table, wondering what could be wrong with me.

I tried to cover up with a smile and told him i was  fine. He insisted I should tell him if there is anything wrong.

"Maybe you should top up this your acting skills" he said.

"Oh! that reminds me, your flask is here. I washed it already. Here" he handed over the flask to me and I thanked him as he walked back to his table.

All through the day, I wasn't as productive as I used to be. I wasn't sure I needed a leave yet, but with the way I was feeling, I was just hoping and praying that I don't break down.

Days rolled into weeks, and weeks into month. My friendship with Jude had grown beyond just being colleagues. He would always opt to drop me at my junction before going back to his own place. 

Jude was a perfect gentle man. Well built body with a deep baritone voice that can  make anyone want to trip. Although those  were not the first catch for me until we got close and I started paying attention. His dress sense is top notch and his lifestyle is a mix of gentle with a touch of Christian swag. 

He took me to karaoke and I can say it was an awesome experience. That was when I realized that Jude has a lovely voice. He told me how he used to be in the choir as a young boy, but left because he got tired of their style of singing.

Within the space of time that Jude came into the picture, Emma came back to Nigeria. He came on a Wednesday in grand style but we  didn't get to meet until weeks later.


Wednesday 9 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 9

It never occurred to me  that this new guy could have a ride or better still, I wasn't expecting a new staff to come with a car on the first day of resumption. 

I told him the area I was going to and he decided to drop me off, despite that our route was totally different.

5 minutes into the ride, Jude started a conversation when he noticed I wasn't saying anything.

"I was surprised when you were introduced as Miss in the morning, wouldn't have thought a beautiful smart lady like you would be unmarried" he said. If left to me, I would have loved to enjoy the ride in silence. 

For him to also start the conversation from the pain and shame I was trying to avoid was also another thing.

"Well, he makes all things beautiful in His time" I calmly said, but I could see confusion on his face.

"What? Who is that?" He asked, trying to be sure if we were saying the same thing.

"God of course" I said and he started laughing. I didn't get the part of what I said that made him laugh, but to avoid his questions, I decided to ask him what his first day at work felt like. He talked about how he loved it, but may not be able to judge with just a day's work at the company. 

We didn't come back to me or the reason for my being single till we got to the junction where I was to alight.  I didn't want him to know my house, so I alighted at a  junction a little close to my house and walked the rest of the distance home. 

I got back home and I saw my  mother and sister crying. I was scared and worried at the same time. I noticed that daddy was not home yet. Several thoughts began to play in my head. "Where is dad? why is he not home? why is mummy and my sister crying? hope nothing bad has happened to my father. I can't bear to loose my father yet, because I promised to take care of he and my mother and also give them a more befitting treatment in their old age.

"Where is daddy?" I asked to be sure ,but no one answered me.

"Can someone please talk to me and let me know what exactly the matter is?" I asked and  my sister handed me her phone.

"What did you do? Why were you suspended from work?" I asked after reading the suspension message that was sent to her mail.

"I didn't know things would get out of hand like this. I have been trying to sort this out on my own without involving any of you. I didn't want to get anyone worried" my sister tried explaining, but I still couldn't connect with what was going on. 

"Okay, so what exactly did you do?" I asked.

"Me and my boss were  scheduled to travel for a business summit. I mean the boss I report to directly. We got to the hotel and he insisted we lodge in same room, which I refused. After much attempt and persuasion..." 

"You now gave in? You allowed him?"I asked. I didnt know when I interrupted her. 

"Not at all. I blatantly refused, walked out on him and paid for my own room. He was angry all through our stay that Thursday night till Friday morning. We travelled back and we didn't say a word to each other" she said as she wiped her tears. 

"On Monday when I got back to the office, we didn't talk till about closing time , when he requested that I pull out a list of one of our old works. I know it is something that can be done the next day, but because he wanted to delay me, he asked me to get the work done before going home, which I couldn't refuse."

"I started the work till it was closing time and  everyone began to  leave, except for Kingsley, a colleague who was also  trying to tidy up some papers. My boss took an excuse to use the rest room. Unknown to me, he only wanted to check if everyone had gone. He came back and  locked the door from behind"

"In my mind, I was trying to figure out what could be going on. He asked me to leave my desk and come into the inner office,  is personal office. I had it in mind to go in to beg him to let me do the work the next day, since it was already 7pm. As I entered into his office, he pushed me on the office table and began to force himself on me. I told him I would scream. It was when he said no one would hear me, because everyone had gone that I knew I was in for a bigger problem."

"I started struggling with him and in the act of self defense, I pushed him and he lost his breath. He passed out shortly after and I started running around to resuscitate him but all my attempt failed. I rushed out of the office and luckly for me, I met Kingsley on his way  out of the office."

"In trust, I told Kingsley all that happened and he joined me to resuscitate my boss . We carried him into Kingsley's car and drove him to the hospital. He was there throughout the week, because the doctor said he needed more medical attention."

"Since then, Kingsley has been  blackmailing me and I've been paying him to keep the secret, until I couldn't meet up lately. After defaulting twice now, he decided to escalate the issue to the management but with a totally different story line. The management has started investigations and that was when I sent you that text last week."

"I am just praying that I get justified in all of this, so that it won't grow to total dismissal after this temporary suspension" my sister rounded up with so much fear and regret on her face. 

"Your daddy must not even hear this, he won't be happy at all" my mother said, but I told her we should handle everything with care and not get daddy involved. 

I tried talking my sister out of the whole situation and also encouraged her that with our prayers, God will vindicate her and solve the matter on ground. 

I was walking down to my room to have a change of cloth and return for dinner when my phone started ringing again.

"I hope this is not Segun calling again" I muttered silently as I threw the phone on the bed. The call came in repeatedly and I said to myself that if it is Segun, I will transfer all the stress to him and he will never call me again. 

"Hello..." I eventually picked the call.


Tuesday 8 June 2021


Story by O'nezer.

Episode 8

"I didn't mean to... but we've talked about this and you agreed to help me" i heard my sister say. I had wanted to ask her if I she was still going to the living room or i should turn off the T.V. I stood still outside her door, torn between listening in to her conversation or leaving. I was curious to know what  was going on. I mean, she looked uneasy answering that call.

"I have spent too much already trying to keep you silent about this matter but you are gradually draining me out" she said in shaky voice. 

"I should be back in town by weekend, can we meet on Sunday night and finalise this?" My sister asked. I didn't hear what the other person said, but I noticed that the call ended immediately my sister said that.

I quickly tipped toed to my room, trying not to let her know I heard a part of her conversation.I began to ask myself questions I knew I couldn't answer.  I didn't know if should ask her or let her be.

"Wake up, wont you go to work?" My sister said.

My sister woke me up that morning instead of my alarm. I hurriedly showered and got dressed. I knew I wouldn't be able eat before leaving, so i took the eggs my sister fried and opted to get bread on my way to work, since yam was not ready.

"Good morning everyone, please join me in welcoming Mr Jude Faronbi to the team as our Public relations officer (P. R. O)" my manager introduced this young man that morning.

His table is opposite mine, so there is no way we will not talk. If it's not something work related, it will be something else entirely. 

"Miss Gloria will show you around." the manager concluded as everyone applauded and welcomed the new staff.

Sometime in the middle of the day, a call kept coming in, but I silenced the phone so it won't interrupt the meeting we were having.

At break time, i decided to return the call, but to my uttermost surprise, It was Segun. I haven't been answering calls from his main line. In fact I added it to my blacklist, because I wanted to cut off communications with him. Although I have been led twice now to pray for him.

I wasn't sure I wanted to have anything do with him or listen to whatever he has to say. If not that the call came in persistently and the number is quite unknown, I most likely wouldn't have returned the call.

"Please say whatever it is you want to say, I'm in the middle of work" I said.

"I am sorry. Can we talk when you are free then?" He asked. That was like the first time he would talk calmly and  politely. I was wondering if I was talking to the right Segun or another person.  

The day was over and I was already stressed out. I was waiting outside the company gate to get a cab home. The first cab I stopped was not going to my area, while the second one charged more than the normal fare. 

"Are you going towards that area? Hop in let me drop you" an unfamiliar voice said as he wound down the car glass.


Monday 7 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 7

I picked up my stuff and went inside my room.

I was surprised that my sister was taking sides with mummy. Besides, how can a parent still want to choose a spouse for their child in this 21st century? Even if, then why someone like Emma?

Emmanuel Aderogba, Emma for short,  is the only surviving child of his parent. Emma was a kind of miracle child whom no one  thought would survive. At 5 months, the scan didn't show a fetus, but instead, fibroid weighing about 2kg. The fibroid was developing alongside the baby.

The doctor had concluded that it would only take a miracle for them to have the child and truly, it was miracle.

My mother and Emma's mother Deaconess Leah Aderogba have been friend from their secondary school days and they believe that getting their kids married, will strengthen their friendship.

Emma being the only child was given everything he needed and  wanted. He had no lack whatsoever of what money can buy.  He was so pampered that he became very mannerless. Funnily, you can't correct him. In fact you dare not.  I remember many occasions when his mother would fight with Sunday school teachers for beating him. Also, the teachers were also afraid of correcting him because his father Deacon Jacob Aderogba was the assistant pastor of our parish then.

Emma only had his primary and secondary education here in Nigeria, then  travelled out of the country for his first and second degrees. 

He was expelled from the 2 private universites he attended here in Nigeria before his parents decided to send him abroad. They believed that travelling out would make him become responsible  and make him see life in different perspective.

It was said that he would be coming back to Nigeria in 2 months. So, my mum and Emma's mum have been making plans to set up something romantic between Emma and I once he arrives and that is why my mum's pressure has intensified lately.

"Afterall, he is 33 and you are 31. You will make a great couple" my mother said some days back.

I had calmly told my mum how I am not comfortable with the whole match making thing, but o my mother wouldn't even listen.

"I remember when you were both in children's church, you both acted husband and wife in the stage play of marriage in Cana. People have always called you two husband and wife" my mother once said in one of our past conversations regarding this matter.

If Emma could do all he did while he was still under his parents back then, only God knows how much he would have tried away from his parent's roof.

I am just all about doing God's will,  knowing full well that he has me in the palm of his hands. I know he has good plans for me and will make everything  beautiful in His time. 

I decided to take a shower to cool off the day's stress. My stomach began to rumble, i was famished , so i headed for the kitchen to get some food. This was one of the few times that i would be eating after our usual dinner time. My sister was still in the living room, busy with her phone.

I could no longer eat the delicious akpu and afang soup my mother prepared, because it was already late, so i settled for pasta. While eating, i noticed that my sister's phone was  ringing but she kept ending  the calls.When the calls wouldn't stop, she picked and went into her room.

"What's wrong with this girl?" I said within myself as I noticed the uneasiness of my sister.


Sunday 6 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 6

"Firstly, I am sorry I got you all worried, that was not my intention. You know I will never do anything to hurt any of you, I just needed some time off." Grace started.

"I have been trying my best to stay sane at my work place. These past few weeks have been turbulent for me. My immediate boss has been giving me issues. There is nothing I do that pleases him." she said.

"There is no issue too big for God to solve" my mother interrupted.

"But we have to know how big or small this issue is na" I tried to calm mom down, so that my sister can at least finish with whatever she has to say.

"This my boss Mr. Frank, is a divorcee. Based on side talks here and there, we heard he is  always aggressive with his wife and beats her at every little misunderstanding. In spite of the beatings and injuries, she is still with him because of their 2 kids." my sister added. 

"What kind of man beats his wife at every little argument?" My mother said.

"I wonder" I added as I watched my father listen keenly to all my sister was saying. 

"This man is an extremist and a perfectionist as well. He switches his mood at the snap of fingers. He can play with you to the extreme today and next day, fight with everyone, without sparing anyone. All these wouldn't have been a big deal till he started making advances at me." my sister said with disgust. 

"He thought me to be one of those loose girls around. Every time I turned him down, he added more to my work. He began to give me menial tasks. It got worse that he started asking me to go pay for the prepaid meter" 

"What? Prepaid meter? Is that part of your job description?  Can't you report him to the management team?" I didn't know when I angrily interrupted her. 

"Reporting wasn't going to help, because he has connections with the management. Basically, it's my work stressing me the most. Other things are minor" my sister concluded. 

"But at least, you should have carried us along so we can know when to intensify our prayers or where to apply wisdom" my father said and that's the first thing he said since the start of the discussion.

Now that we are sure Grace is fine and will be going back to work in a few days, my parent showed her love and care enough to last her for the few days she will be away. 

Morning came so fast and the day's activities went on as usual. I got home a little late, thanks to the traffic. My parents were already asleep, while my younger sister was in the living room glued to her phone. I entered into the living room and we exchanged pleasantries. From there, we went on discussing one thing to another, that i even forgot that i was  hungry from work.

"Sister, mummy reported you to me o" my sister said . I was surprised, wondering what i did wrong.

"What did she say I did o?" I quickly asked so as to clear my curiosity. 

"It's about you not bringing a man home and how she told you that she wants you to marry Emma and you refused" my sister said.

"Oh! not again. why is mummy behaving like this. What is it about this Emma? "What is so special about him? I blurted.


Saturday 5 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 5

"Good morning Miss Gloria" the HR greeted me and handed me two envelopes. "The brown is yours and the white is for your team lead" he said.

I was curious to know the content of the letter. I couldn't think of any reason I should get a letter at this time. My overthinking nature got the better of me and I began to think of all my possible wrongs.

"Is it because I didnt close the door very well?"

"Or because I said morning only, instead of good morning to the team lead yesterday?" 

"could it be that the aroma of my food disgust my colleagues and they reported me?" 

"Miss Gloria, are you here?" the team lead called my attention back to reality. 

"Yes sir, I am with you sir" I quickly said.

"Congratulations" he added. 

"Congratulations? For what sir" I tried to wrap my head around what was going on. He asked me to open my letter and also sign on a transfer form on his table. 

I have been transferred to the Advertising department as the team lead.

I was really happy because I didn't see it coming at all. The advertising department is one of my favorite departments, so being transferred there is good news for me.The advertising department is on the second floor, while the news room is on the first floor. Although, within the same compound, staffs do not get to see often, so we don't know everyone.

"Hello Gloria, I found your sister already. We are both coming home, see you soon" a text message popped on my phone screen from my mother. 

It was a great relief for me to know that my sister is back and safe. Still, i'ld love to hear the full story behind her sudden disappearance.

I couldn't wait to get home to share the good news and testimony with my parents. The activities of the day came to an end and I dashed out of the office with much joy.

I flagged down a cab and sat on the front seat beside the driver, vibing to the cool music coming from the care stereo. I alighted few junctions to my house to purchase some fruits because I didn't want to go home empty-handed.

"Why did you get us worried now? I asked concerned.

"I've had a lot going on with me lately and I needed my sanity back, so I requested for a week leave at work." My sister said.  I would say that's the first time I'ld see my sister look that worried. 

I needed more detail. I mean, she has to give us a convincing explanation for her actions, but i need to settle down first.

"Let me freshen up, I will join you shortly" I said as I walked towards my room.

"You may likely join us at the dining when you get back" mom added. 

We have never really been a fan of late night dinner. Once it's 7pm, we were all expected to have eaten. Although, there are nights when I will crave for something to munch.

I quickly had a shower, then changed into one of my home wears. Hair bonnet over a big polo and short has always been my comfortable home style.

While I was in the shower, dad got back from work, already seated at the dining with my mother and sister. 

"Welcome dad" I greeted. He pointed at the dining chair, asking me to seat for dinner.

Mom already made us poundo yam with well garnished vegetables. The aroma of the food is enough to fill ones tummy. 

"You really got us worried darling, what exactly happened?" My father asked in a Concerned tone, as he popped the question after dinner. 

"So you were that worried and you didn't even act it" my mother interrupted.

"Baby girl, we are all ears" I said.

"Okay, fine... fine..." my sister said as she adjusted herself.


Friday 4 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 4.

"Father Lord, every spirit that is not allowing Gloria to be seen by any man or that is not allowing Gloria see any man, die by fire... die by fire... die by" My mother  shouted at the top of her voice. 

She wore a wrapper around her chest, holding  anointing oil in her left hand and  the bible in her right hand. 

"In Jesus name we pray" my father interrupted, as he walked into the living room.

"Mom, you scared me really. It was fire I heard in my sleep that made me jump out in fear" I said. 

My mother was beginning to take the whole marriage thing too far. Despite that I had a stressful day, I still had to be up this early all because I have a praying mother who wouldn't sleep or let anyone else sleep.

I looked at the clock and it was just few minutes past 3am. My father tried to talk my mother out of her overreaction and I was left alone to find my sleep. 

After rolling on the bed without catching a sleep, i felt the urge to pray and most importantly, intercede for others. 

I have a book where I have written names of different people, from coworkers, to church members, family and friends. I have a time set aside, when I mention their names to God.

"Pray for Segun, most importantly for the salvation of his soul" I heard the voice say to me. 

I had wanted to argue because,  why Segun of all people. After all, his name is not even on my prayer list. Besides, I already decided that when next he calls me, I will add his name to the blacklist on my phone as his calls has now increased from once in 2 days to daily now.

I yielded and I started praying for him.

"Lord Jesus, I commit Segun eh, what's his surname again? See, Jesus you know him by his name and you have never created a man you can't handle, please touch his heart and save his soul. Let him come to the reality of why he is created so that he can fulfil purpose and serve you for the rest of his life" I continued praying.

"Good morning Jesus, good morning Lord..." I heard the rhythmical jingling of the bell from the sitting room and I quickly jumped out of bed. I checked my phone and saw that it's 6:30 am already. I had slept so deep and didn't hear the alarm ring at 5. 

I joined the devotion half way and we prayed together.

"God wherever Grace Omolara Chinaza Andrews is, please keep her safe. Pray for us and bless everyone of us as we start the day in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" my mother prayed as we chorused "Amen"

Daddy was set to go to work as well as myself. His work place is an hour drive from home, while mine takes about 45 minutes, so he decided to give me a lift. Mom packed daddy's  breakfast and  lunch in his food basket. I couldn't wait to eat my food, so i settled for  tea and a slice of bread, then I packed my food as well.

"I will be travelling to see your sister and know why she has not been reachable for days. I already told Hassan, he will drive me there." My mother said as she bid us bye for the day. 

I know my mother is already weary of the wait and uncertainty surrounding the issue. On my end, i have made several attempt to reach out to her friends for updates,  but i got nothing positive.

I was beginning to think of involving the police, but on the other hand, i felt it has not gotten that bad and we should still be calm. 

"There is a message for you. kindly see the HR and your team lead." Clara the secretary to the MD said as I signed the attendance sheet.

"Message? For me" I said.


Thursday 3 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 3.

"Hey big sis, don't worry much about me, just cover up for me whenever dad and mom ask after me. You may not be able to reach me for now." I read the text out loud. 

Why will Grace send this kind of message and many other questions ran through my mind.

Oh! Grace is my younger sister and she is the replica of my dad.  She is 28 years already but her baby face and small stature can be misleading and make you will think she is a young school leaver seeking for admission. 

Grace doesn't really share her issues with people, as she hates being a burden to anyone. She prefers to deal with her issues, except it's beyond her power. Many times, i have stumbled on her talking to herself and playing all alone, even since we were kids.

She finished school at 21 and got a job with an auditing firm, so I can say she is doing very fine. Considering this, i can't say the issue is LACK, definitely not. She earns well.

 I tried calling her line, but it was not reachable. I checked her out on WhatsApp, but she was offline, plus she even turned off her last seen. 

One thing about  me is that i can be "over" in anything.  From being overlyprotective to being an over thinker and any other 'over' you can think of.  I started connecting all possible dots in my head but none matched.

After my fruitless brainstorming, i laid the  matter to rest and set out for work. I tried not to overthink what was going on with my sister, since  worrying would give me no answers.

I got to work and settled into the day's activities. I had a news reading for 7am and a weekly show for 2pm. Working in the media has always been my dream and I'm so enjoying every bit of it. In fact I really do not see myself doing anything other than media, that's how much I love my job.

Watching news casters read news on TV, especially with their voice tone and reading style, got me captivated to media from childhood.  With the support of my parents, i pursued  Media Communication and Advertising for my first degree and I came out excellently with a 2.1. 

Immediately after my undergraduate course,  my parents  quickly pushed for further studies. My dad had always emphasized that his two daughters must have at least a master's degree before marriage.  

My father has a thing for education. He is always in support of good education and he has always proven that, because the way he carries anything that has to do with academics,  is always extra. With my father, you cannot miss school  ooo, except you are very ill. He doesn't mind spending his last cash to give us the best education. 

At a time,  my father told me that if  husband is not forthcoming, I should enroll for my Ph.D. In fact, it has been a thug of war between me and my him,  for not having  started my PhD by now. 

I kept on trying my sister's line all day. Her number has been unreachable, which is very unusual of her. I don't even know what to think again. To make the matters worse,  she doesn't work in the same town with me. Otherwise, i would have just boarded a taxi or cab to her place,  but we are like 3 hours apart. 

"Gloria,  have you heard from your sister, it's been 2 days oo?" My father who has also been trying to reach her said.

I told them the truth of me not hearing from her yet, but I concluded that she should be fine wherever she is.

After the 3rd day that we haven't heard from her, my mom couldn't calm down anymore. she had started thinking of whom to call and whether to travel to go see her or not.

I tried to make them worry less, but all  my mother kept saying was that ' since I have never given birth , I won't know what it means to be worried for a child.

We had our family devotion that night and everyone went to their rooms. I still tried to have my own personal talk time with God. There were so many pressing issues in my heart that I needed to pour out to Him.

Me sleeping off during prayers wasgradually becoming a trend and it didn't seem like it would end soon. 

What woke me up at the middle of the night this time around wasn't my alarm but a shout.

"Fire?" I shouted.


Wednesday 2 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 2

I paused for a while, hesitant to answer the call. 

"Won't you pick your call? or you're still doing shakara?" my mother said as she walked passed me into the kitchen.

"Ahan ah" i sighed with my eye brow raised. 

My mom can be a pain in one's ass. Sometimes, I think she's just all out to get me. To be honest,  I kind of understand how she feels. Being a first child and unmarried at 31 is not such a pleasant thing for her. I mean at 57, her mates are already grandmothers. 

I made to pick the call, but it stopped ringing. I poured myself a glass of water and headed for my room. I needed sometime to myself, away from the drama.

My phone rang again, i checked and it's still a private number. After a while, I summoned  courage and answered the call. I stayed still, waiting for the caller to talk first. I needed to be sure I was on to the right person. 

"Hello baby" The caller said. 

I was surprised at the mention of the word baby. Last i remember, I was not in a relationship with anyone.

"Please who am I on to?" I replied.

"It's me Segun, the cute Segun now" The caller replied. 

I paused for a while and tried to do a mental calculation of which Segun it is, then I remembered.

Segun and I met about 2 weeks ago at a colleague's birthday celebration. I guess he is  a friend of the celebrant. He made advances at me, asking that we date and also requested for my phone number, which I declined. 

There was something about him, that I wasn't just cool and comfortable with. His looks, manner of speech did not portray responsibility nor godliness. But how  did he get my contact?

"O...kay. But how did you get my contact?" I asked, wanting to feed my curiosity.

"Baby, let's forget that. See ehn I love you, and I really want us to be together. Let's hang out this weekend now. I will really take care of you" He replied.

"See Segun, i already told you the first day that I am not interested in a relationship with you. We can't be together, and please stop calling me baby,the last time I checked, my name still remains Gloria." I said.

"Why now, don't be too hard girl. You have nothing to worry about. I'm a complete gentleman and I'll treat you well." He said with confidence. 

"You know what, i think you should give your life to Christ. Have a relationship with Jesus first, before trying to have a relationship with me. God wants your heart. He loves you even more than the love I can give to you. And..."

I was on with the salvation message, till it occurred to me that he had long ended the call. 

"Wow! so this guy ended the call already. It seems the salvation message made him  uncomfortable. Well, i pray God meets with him and save his soul."

It's been a long day. From the stressful activities at work and back  home to mum's drama. It has been my prayer that God meets with my parents, especially my  mother, so she can understand that God rules in the affairs of men and all good and perfect gift comes from Him. 

I was beginning to feel drowsy,  but I needed to have my devotion. I didn't want to give in to the tiredness in my body. I had determined that no matter how tired I was, i would always spend time with God everyday. 

I sat at my reading table so I won't be too comfortable and sleep off. I started off with praises, then worship, i read a little of the word then continued praying. I didn't know when I slept off at the table.

The tap from my mother was what woke me up sometime around 2am, telling me to go to bed. My mother has an habit of checking up on everyone in the middle of the night . This is one of the things I love about my  mum, she can be so thoughtful and caring to a fault. I staggered to the bed and off I slept. 

"Grin..., grin..." The sound of my alarm was what woke me the following morning. I have my alarm set at 5am every day, so i can have enough time to prepare for the day and get to work in good time.

I stood up, had my devotion and began  preparations for the day. I was about to step out of the house, when I got a text on my phone.


Tuesday 1 June 2021



Story by O'nezer 

Episode 1.

"As long as I am your mother, it is Emma that you will marry" my mother said angrily. A conversation that started on a friendly note was now turning dramatic.

"As long as there is God on the throne, I will wait for the right time" I blurted out. I didnt know where that confidence came from or should I call it boldness?

My mom and I have always lived like cat and rat in the house. Many times when we get into our premium disagreements, my father will just sit and  watch like someone in the cinema.

My father happens to be a calm and reserved person, who doesn't like to talk much. He prefers to work in the background, as he does not like the spotlight.  My  mother on the other hand is the vocal and social one. She  is always here and there. Either in one church meeting, an event or gathering.

My father, Dr. Kolade Andrews is a practicing medical doctor at the University of Portharcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), a surgeon to be precise.  This is not surprising though, because my father was one of the brightest students in his University days. He gallantly came out as the best student in his department. He is a well known surgeon in the whole of Portharcourt city , as he never goes wrong with any surgery he takes on.

My mother, Mrs Bethany Andrews was also an health practitioner. She worked as a nurse for several years till she resigned to start up her pharmacy. Coincidentally, they both worked in the same hospital before she resigned, and that was where love found them some 32 years ago.

My mom can be very tough, but as tough as she  seems on the outside, she possesses a very tender, caring and genuine side, that makes me wonder if I really know the woman I call my mother. 

Although firm, but very nice. The way she switches personalities, keeps everyone in awe. You know the saying that " the mouth which the dog uses to play with her children is what it uses to bite them?". that's exactly how my mother is, a No- nonsense woman.

Thanks to her firmness and toughness, it has helped shape us and most times saved us from opportunistic situations.

It's not like my dad does not talk at all oo, but he doesn't like to talk except necessary, and when he eventually talks ehn, you'll be shocked, because his words pulls weight.

My parent's love story is such an interesting one. Being from different tribes was  a dramatic experience for them. 

My father, a yoruba man from Oyo state and my mum, an Igbo lady from Anambra. My father's parent ruled against the union, that their son cannot marry an Igbo lady. Somehow love prevailed, and I am a product of that love.

 31 years ago, my parents received the precious gift of a baby girl, their first fruit, which happens to be me: Omolola Gloria Chidinma Andrews.

Although my parents prefer to call me Gloria, since it's a neutral name. 

The relationship I have with my parents is such a  close knitted one. Although because of my mother's overbearing attitude, we usually get into so many arguments and one of such is today's. I think one of the reasons for our many arguments is because I took after her with being vocal and opinionated. Most times it Is my father that comes to my rescue, when my mother starts.

"I don't know why my mother thinks she can always have her way at all times.  I have always yielded to her wishes, but on this issue, it's a NO. How on earth does she expect me to marry Emma?

"Emma!!! If he were the last man on earth then I'd rather remain single." I said within myself.

"Will you keep quiet?... What do you know? and what stupid right time are you talking about at 31. 31!!! Gloria. oh! I see. It seems you have become too comfortable in this house. You think this is your house abi?. This is my own husband's house, go to your own husband's house and let me enjoy my home" my mother blurted.

I was about responding, but my dad cut in. 

"My dear, let this girl be. Allow her take her time and find the right person." 

"I know you will support her. instead of you to support me and let's speak sense into this girl. No problem. I leave you two. As for you, continue to stay in your father's house oo. shameless girl." My mother said angrily and walked out of the living room.

I sank into a chair and bowed my head, exhausted from the whole drama. The ringing of my phone was what brought me back to reality. I reached out to answer the call, but alas it's a private number. 

"But who on earth still calls with private number? who can this be?" I shrugged.


The Beautiful Scar Ep 8

Lakunle smiled and that left me with much confusion and questions in my head. "Could it be that he lost his brother?" "Could ...