Friday 4 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 4.

"Father Lord, every spirit that is not allowing Gloria to be seen by any man or that is not allowing Gloria see any man, die by fire... die by fire... die by" My mother  shouted at the top of her voice. 

She wore a wrapper around her chest, holding  anointing oil in her left hand and  the bible in her right hand. 

"In Jesus name we pray" my father interrupted, as he walked into the living room.

"Mom, you scared me really. It was fire I heard in my sleep that made me jump out in fear" I said. 

My mother was beginning to take the whole marriage thing too far. Despite that I had a stressful day, I still had to be up this early all because I have a praying mother who wouldn't sleep or let anyone else sleep.

I looked at the clock and it was just few minutes past 3am. My father tried to talk my mother out of her overreaction and I was left alone to find my sleep. 

After rolling on the bed without catching a sleep, i felt the urge to pray and most importantly, intercede for others. 

I have a book where I have written names of different people, from coworkers, to church members, family and friends. I have a time set aside, when I mention their names to God.

"Pray for Segun, most importantly for the salvation of his soul" I heard the voice say to me. 

I had wanted to argue because,  why Segun of all people. After all, his name is not even on my prayer list. Besides, I already decided that when next he calls me, I will add his name to the blacklist on my phone as his calls has now increased from once in 2 days to daily now.

I yielded and I started praying for him.

"Lord Jesus, I commit Segun eh, what's his surname again? See, Jesus you know him by his name and you have never created a man you can't handle, please touch his heart and save his soul. Let him come to the reality of why he is created so that he can fulfil purpose and serve you for the rest of his life" I continued praying.

"Good morning Jesus, good morning Lord..." I heard the rhythmical jingling of the bell from the sitting room and I quickly jumped out of bed. I checked my phone and saw that it's 6:30 am already. I had slept so deep and didn't hear the alarm ring at 5. 

I joined the devotion half way and we prayed together.

"God wherever Grace Omolara Chinaza Andrews is, please keep her safe. Pray for us and bless everyone of us as we start the day in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" my mother prayed as we chorused "Amen"

Daddy was set to go to work as well as myself. His work place is an hour drive from home, while mine takes about 45 minutes, so he decided to give me a lift. Mom packed daddy's  breakfast and  lunch in his food basket. I couldn't wait to eat my food, so i settled for  tea and a slice of bread, then I packed my food as well.

"I will be travelling to see your sister and know why she has not been reachable for days. I already told Hassan, he will drive me there." My mother said as she bid us bye for the day. 

I know my mother is already weary of the wait and uncertainty surrounding the issue. On my end, i have made several attempt to reach out to her friends for updates,  but i got nothing positive.

I was beginning to think of involving the police, but on the other hand, i felt it has not gotten that bad and we should still be calm. 

"There is a message for you. kindly see the HR and your team lead." Clara the secretary to the MD said as I signed the attendance sheet.

"Message? For me" I said.


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