Sunday 13 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 13

"Please talk to me, what is the issue?" The usher at the entrance explained to my mom that it is the overseer's son who just got back.

"What happened to him? Hope he is safe?" My mother asked since we were all curious to know.

"Someone was trying to park his car, but in the process scratched Emma's car and in a flash, it resulted in a big fight. He was really throwing his wealth at the old man's face, asking him if he knows how much his car is  worth. Before we knew what was happening, he hit the man and the man passed out. We had to rush the man to the hospital. His parents has taken him away from the church premises" the usher explained. 

The shock on my mother's face at that moment cannot be explained. She was just blinking her eyes and sighing at intervals.

"Thank God I didn't force this girl into marrying Emma o" my mother said silently as we walked into the church. 

Service was over and we all went home. Mom put a call through to Emma's mom to let her know she heard of what happened and wanted to greet her. It was from the call that we got to know that the man was responding to treatment and getting better.

"Imagine if that man had died? What will the world be saying? Blogs and newspapers would have carried it, that a pastor's child killed someone." my father said.

We had our night devotion that Sunday evening and I noticed that my mother's voice was loud in thanksgiving that she didn't make the mistake of forcing me to marry Emma. 

It was Monday morning already and I saw Jude at work, I tried talking to him but he was cold and not exciting as usual. I know he was yet to get over what happened over the weekend. 

We finally talked towards the close of day and he told me how humiliated he felt with everything that happened that day, but he was more fine and we can forget about it.

3 months into my friendship with Jude, he officially asked me to start a relationship with him. I was happy that he finally wanted me to be with him. It was like a dream come true for me, because he is someone I really admired. In fact, i had fantasized being married to him at a time, but i knew they were only fantasies and that the will of God is sovereign for my life.

"About your request, give me a little more time to pray about it" I told him on one of the evenings he dropped me off at home. I saw how unhappy he looked when he heard that I still wanted to pray about it. He believed that since we have been moving together, it should be a yes straight up.

I got home that nigt and I felt the urge to pray and be clear about the whole relationship thing. At every instance I mentioned Jude's name, 2 bible passages kept on coming to my mind simultaneously. 

Proverbs 14:12 

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" 

Proverbs 3:

"5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

"6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

I didn't really understand both text even though they are written in English.

I rounded up my prayers and slept. Jude is a spec for me, he understands my silence. He knows when to make me smile and also understands my space. On many nights, he would send me lovely text messages and by morning, i would wake up to some selected shout out songs from him.

The week ended and we were  having family time that Saturday morning when a call came in.

"Who's that?" My dad asked my mom as the call came through her phone.


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