Monday 7 June 2021


Story by O'nezer 

Episode 7

I picked up my stuff and went inside my room.

I was surprised that my sister was taking sides with mummy. Besides, how can a parent still want to choose a spouse for their child in this 21st century? Even if, then why someone like Emma?

Emmanuel Aderogba, Emma for short,  is the only surviving child of his parent. Emma was a kind of miracle child whom no one  thought would survive. At 5 months, the scan didn't show a fetus, but instead, fibroid weighing about 2kg. The fibroid was developing alongside the baby.

The doctor had concluded that it would only take a miracle for them to have the child and truly, it was miracle.

My mother and Emma's mother Deaconess Leah Aderogba have been friend from their secondary school days and they believe that getting their kids married, will strengthen their friendship.

Emma being the only child was given everything he needed and  wanted. He had no lack whatsoever of what money can buy.  He was so pampered that he became very mannerless. Funnily, you can't correct him. In fact you dare not.  I remember many occasions when his mother would fight with Sunday school teachers for beating him. Also, the teachers were also afraid of correcting him because his father Deacon Jacob Aderogba was the assistant pastor of our parish then.

Emma only had his primary and secondary education here in Nigeria, then  travelled out of the country for his first and second degrees. 

He was expelled from the 2 private universites he attended here in Nigeria before his parents decided to send him abroad. They believed that travelling out would make him become responsible  and make him see life in different perspective.

It was said that he would be coming back to Nigeria in 2 months. So, my mum and Emma's mum have been making plans to set up something romantic between Emma and I once he arrives and that is why my mum's pressure has intensified lately.

"Afterall, he is 33 and you are 31. You will make a great couple" my mother said some days back.

I had calmly told my mum how I am not comfortable with the whole match making thing, but o my mother wouldn't even listen.

"I remember when you were both in children's church, you both acted husband and wife in the stage play of marriage in Cana. People have always called you two husband and wife" my mother once said in one of our past conversations regarding this matter.

If Emma could do all he did while he was still under his parents back then, only God knows how much he would have tried away from his parent's roof.

I am just all about doing God's will,  knowing full well that he has me in the palm of his hands. I know he has good plans for me and will make everything  beautiful in His time. 

I decided to take a shower to cool off the day's stress. My stomach began to rumble, i was famished , so i headed for the kitchen to get some food. This was one of the few times that i would be eating after our usual dinner time. My sister was still in the living room, busy with her phone.

I could no longer eat the delicious akpu and afang soup my mother prepared, because it was already late, so i settled for pasta. While eating, i noticed that my sister's phone was  ringing but she kept ending  the calls.When the calls wouldn't stop, she picked and went into her room.

"What's wrong with this girl?" I said within myself as I noticed the uneasiness of my sister.


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