Thursday 19 January 2023

The Beautiful Scar Ep3


I was finding it hard to sleep that night, a lot was running through my mind.

How can one idea drop in my mind and then multiple other things are running along with it?

I have always had a thing for photography but I know my parents so well. They always have their ways; their decisions are mostly final.

Maybe if they allow us make some certain mistakes, it would allow us get better and wiser.

"Do you even ever pray about any decisions you make?" I remembered Lakunle asking me this question one of our random talks on phone.

My parents are Christians, I would classify them under the "church goers" who only appear in church on Sundays as tradition and not really deep rooted in Christ.

We attend Glorious Hope Bible Church, one of the big churches at the main town of Ilorin. I've seen more than enough Sundays that was used for rest and merriment than attending services.

It wasn't a usual thing for me to pray about any decisions since my parent are there to make the decision and there is enough more to execute any decision made.

"What if I should take up the photography business?"

"What if you go back to school for your masters"

"What if you decide to travel to join your cousin in UK?"

A lot was running through my mind and I'm so confused on what to do.

A notification popped on my phone and I opened the message, it was Lakunle.

"Trust in the Lord with your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path"

How Lakunle always find a scripture to fit into every of our conversations really surprises me a lot.

How can a fine tall young man eat so much of God's word that he has a lot to share whenever we are talking?

Immediately, I called him and we started talking about all the ideas on my mind. He suggested that I allow God lead and then, pay attention to what I'm passionate about.

"If you go where God did not send you, that's a costly journey. You may pay double for going and still come back with nothing" Lakunle said.

"O deep, o deep" I said sarcastically but I think I understand it better.

I don't have any relationship with God that much to feel like I can ask him to lead me in anything I'm doing.

"Where will I start from? What do I even ask?" So many questions were going through my mind till I eventually slept off without making any decision or praying.

"Wake up, daddy wants to have a talk with you" my mom said as she tapped me.

"Mom, I'm coming, I slept a little bit late and I'm having a slight headache" I said

"When you won't stop pressing your phone, how will your head not ache?" Mom said as she walked out of the room.

I still don't understand the connection between pressing phone and headache.

I struggled to leave the bed that morning and joined dad in the sitting room.

"Good morning daddy"

"Good morning darling, have a seat" he ordered.

"In the meantime, I want you to print out your credentials and other certificates so I can keep a copy" my father said.

"He didn't even ask me what I want to become or what I want to be, what if I want to be a full house wife"

"God forbid sha" I shouted subconsciously.

"God forbid?" My father asked out of curiosity.

"Not that, Dad. I will print it out and share with you" I quickly said before I will use the whole day explaining different things in my head.

"It should be ready before I get back from work, okay?" he said as he hands over the money for the printing to me.

"Okay, thank you daddy" I said as he picks his bag and sets to go out.

"And you know, dad will always want to see you all making this family proud. You and your brother" my mother said as she saw my dad off to the door.

My phone started ringing in the room, it was just past 8am.

"Shey this people don’t sleep in their house ni?” I said

"Are you not the one that gave them your number ni?" My mother replied jokingly as she walks to the kitchen

"Hey Lakunle, good morning"

I already knew he's the one that can be calling me this early but on the other hand, is 8am too early? Or laziness is just worrying me lately.

"Are we seeing today?" Lakunle asked

It will definitely be a yes because at the moment, I don't have anything I'm doing or anywhere I'm going.

"Yes, we would but I have to get to a café close by to print, then later we will meet up" I said.

We met as planned and it was at one of our usual eateries.

We ordered pizza and ice cream. We joked and played, moved from one topic to another.

"I have a question to ask you" Lakunle said with a smile on his face.

His statement just triggered my "what if" mechanism.

"What did you say?" I asked as if i didn't hear him the first time.

"I said I have a question to ask you" he repeated.

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The Beautiful Scar Ep 8

Lakunle smiled and that left me with much confusion and questions in my head. "Could it be that he lost his brother?" "Could ...