Monday 13 July 2020


Episode 9.

The knock on the door shifted everyone's attention. They all didn't check the time to know it was way past lunch time. The breakfast they were supposed to eat by 11am was late due to the long praise and prayer session. So, lunch was extended to 4pm that day instead of the usual 3pm. 

Everyone in cell 3 was lost in Mr Yomi's story that they didn't remember to check the time to know it was already 04:30pm and lunch time was almost over.

"It's lunch time, we noticed we haven't seen anyone from this cell room in the dinning hall" the warder that knocked said.

No one out there knew that there is a story going on in our room. Not just a story but an interesting story that is taking us all in to the extent of forgetting our meals.

"We will join you soon" the assistant captain replied.  

"Maybe we should go and eat, then when we get back we can round off the story to a reasonable level" Mr Yomi suggested.

Though no one wanted him to stop, but he had to because the disadvantage of getting to the dining late may result to either eating with the annoying part of the fish or meat or even eating without any fish/meat and it can also be a cold food already.

Everyone dashed out of the room to the dining, they walked into the dinning looking like celebrities that others have been anticipating their coming.

There is no timetable to what they can give them to eat at the prison, they just cook as they feel and serve what they think is perfect for each moment. 

The food combinations in the cell can make someone throw up from the tasteless tea, not well cooked rice, undone moimoi and even the eba sometime seem so hard that to every swallow you take, you escort it down with plenty water. The life there isnt fun filled at all and the worst part is people are already used to it over time. Thats after they have purged severally.

That afternoon, we were expecting something like swallow but they served us one annoying beans like that.

The table is always filled up when it's the food that majority loves. Some days that they bring beans, they may end up taking the remaining one with them to only God knows where because it's only a few people that loves to take beans, others always try to force it down their throat with the company of garri and to the lucky ones who get to take it with pap.

They joined the queue with their plates in one hand and the other hand was holding a.cup with garri inside.

They were the last people to get to the table and they were all rushing to finish their food so they can go back to the cell room and finish the story with Mr Yomi.

 A few people saw and could read the closeness that has happened over a night sleep between everyone in cell room 3. 

Everyone was rushing their food and keeping an eye on Mr Yomi to know when he will be done with his own... So they can all return to the room to finish what they've started. 

The lunch was over and everyone started leaving the dining hall. Though the prison isn't a place to be but the memories people are making lives with them forever.

Many inmates came broken and over time, they had good relationship with people in their rooms and in the cells generally. It makes them feel light and the service they do hold on Sundays had drawn more people to God than ever before.

"All captain should wait for few minutes because there is an instruction for them" one of the warders had said.

If the captain is not back, Mr Yomi won't like to continue the story. As the captains were waiting for the instruction, others were going back to their various room. 

The meeting with the captain wasn't long as all they were told was how the schedule for their week will be like and the task that will be allocated to everyone.

The prison has a very large bushy field beside the staff quarters there. It's as large that they can't exhaust it. No one can really tell if the field was intentionally reserved to punish the prisoners or not.

Many days, all inmate will be sent to the field to work, the men will be clearing the clearing while the women will be packing and getting to burn the dirt. 

 "Sorry guys, I hope I haven't missed anything yet" the captain said as he closed the door behind him.

"Well, we waited for you so you don't miss any part of the story" Mr Yomi said.

"You stopped at something unexpected happened that afternoon" one of the guys replied. 

What happened next?

Watch out for next episode

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