Saturday 12 September 2020

TANGLED Episode 7

Episode 7.

"Eh God, we are trying to quench a fire here another one is coming up" my uncle said and that was the last thing I heard. 

I passed out, I lost all the strength left in me. I was way too small for all that was happening to me. I have not even had enough rest and then the pain in my hand was getting worse.

The bandage in my hand with the tie that was connected to it across my neck to help fix my hand was just there. I couldn't feel it's impact anymore.

I was rushed again to the room I initially was. I was told that my temperature was really high and they had to dip towel into a bowl of water to wipe my body severally. 

I later woke up still tired but much fine and the headache had gone but I was hungry. They rushed to get bean cake and pap, though it's one of the food I don't like but I was too hungry to start being picky.

I was wondering if I hadn't missed any part of my father's encounter which he was sharing with us before I passed out. I asked my uncle and he told me I haven't because my dad too has been praying since I passed out that God should fix the error and forgive all of us. I was quite at rest.

"Can I at least see him and know how he is doing?" I cried out. "How about my mother?" I asked.

"Your mom has woken up we thank God. Though she can't remember anything for now, but she will" my uncle answered with all confidence. "Doctor Joe has been helpful too. He is trying his best" he added.

My mother woke up but could hardly remember anything. She couldn't place anyone's face. She didn't know where she was anymore or what has brought her down there.

I cried even more, knowing that my mother's memory has been affected through the shock from the accident or rather the news of dad's death. My faith was very little and I was almost losing hope.

After the meal, everyone moved to my father's room to hear what he has to say more. He was happy to know I was fine but I could see pain on his face as he knew his reaction and action was what landed all of us in an unknown town and a small hospital like this. Infact, generally in this mess.

The doctor entered almost immediately we got to my father's room and he suggested that we let him rest. He added that the more he rested, the quicker the healing process will be and the earlier we leave for home.

"And let me add that, Lamid and Hassan gave me and the other doctor a tough time, even the other doctor couldn't go after he had signed out" Doctor Joe said.

I was curious. I wanted to know how the matter was resolved since I eavesdropped on every single word that was being said from the entrance where I stayed when everything was going on before I passed out.

"We requested for how much what got spoilt was. It wasn't an amount that worth the shoutings and early morning trouble" The doctor was saying when my uncle interrupted "They said it's 5000 naira. Can you imagine?" my uncle interrupted. 

"So because of 5k, ordinary 5k! They came to threaten us?" I thought.

Well, as much as the money seemed small to us, it wasn't to them. It was a big deal to those guys and that was all they needed to let us be and let peace reign. And peace reigned knowing fully well we aren't owing them any longer.

"I paid them off so we could focus on what next and so my other colleague could go home to his family" the doctor concluded.

For our car that was stuck in the mud, we were told they had to look for a towing van. The chain that held our car and the towing van together got broken at a point and they had to spend more hours trying to look for an alternative. Finally, they got help and pulled the car out but because of safety, they couldn't leave it there along the road. Leaving it by the roadside was going to be a bad idea because guys can go there to start stealing the various parts one after another.

Someone suggested they take it to the security house where we could come to claim it when we are ready and that was exactly what they did. Though we were told it has gone bad beyond repairs and I had my doubts if dad would still want to take the car back. 

I remembered every time that dad will always say in our prayers that God should upgrade our level and give us a new car. Maybe this is the time that God will compensate the family with another car. Who knows?

"Thank you so much sir, God bless you real good, we don't know how to thank you enough, for paying off the boys, it was so thoughtful of you and..." my father was saying all this in a tone so low that you'll hardly hear him if you don't stay close by.

"... and thank God for everything, it's nothing too serious." The doctor cut in but before he walked out to attend to some other pressing issues, he gave us some assurance.

"The only thing I can say about your wife's condition is this. Her case isn't totally exceptional but if you believe in the power of prayer and miracle, she will soon be back to her feet" he said as he headed out of the room.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and he shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." I quoted the scriptures.

We held on to the promises of God in Jeremiah 29:11-13. We believe that the God who made ways in the sea will also perform another miracle. He is still in the business of answering prayers.

"I believe and I love your faith, all will be well" the doctor said as be took his leave.

"How are you feeling now dad?" I asked and he smiled. I was wondering if what I said what was caused him to smile or if he was just trying to be strong for all of us.

"I am fine my dear, I'm getting better, aside the pain I still feel in my body but I will be fine" he said amidst smile.

"What will you take? the bean cake and pap is still remaining" my aunt asked

"Nothing, I'm not hungry" my dad responded 

"No, you're hungry. Please manage to take something even if it's small, you need it ooo" she persuaded.

"But I don't have the appetite for food" my dad was just so adamant.

My uncle persuaded him even more to at least take something so, he will have strength. He reminded him he needs food since he's taking medication. He eventually agreed and started eating.

"I will need to go home to at least put their minds at rest" one of our neighbours said.

The two of them(our neighbours) that where left are married men, one stays at the house before ours and the other at the house after ours in that order and we have become best of neighbours and they've even proven it more by staying with us in the hospital at such a time as this. The journey from the town we were back to our house was about 3 hours and 30 minutes. 

"Thank you very much Mr Olatade, may we not hear bad news like this again ooo, greetings to everyone and tell them we are fine" my dad expressed his gratitude and wished him goodbye and Mr Olatade took his leave, leaving Mr Abbey, my uncle and his wife. 

"Please tell my wife that I am fine too, I will soon join them" Mr Abbey said as he bid Mr Olatade goodbye.

My dad finished his food and rested a little.

"So, where did I stop about the encounter?" my father asked.

What happened next?

Watch out for the next episode.

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