Sunday 27 September 2020


Season 2, Episode 1.

"Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" my mother was shouting. I tried to hide behind my aunt who was last to come in. I couldn't behold such a scary sight. I needed to be far from it.

We were just getting over the shock of a narrow escape accident and then getting home to the news that a family friend, our neighbour, Mr Olatade lost the wife and now to come in to meet another shocking incident. It was draining. 

"Who are you and who are you looking for? What do you want here?" My father summoned the courage to start up the conversation and also reduce the tension and fear written on everyone's faces. He stretched to check the windows and ceilings if any was broken open, but there was none. 

"Who sent you here? What do you want from us? How did you get in here?" My mother kept throwing questions at them.

We await a reply but all we heard was a laugh of mockery. We didn't know what the laugh was about actually because nothing there was funny.

How they managed to get in was a mystery because the door has been locked all the while we were away. We just opened it and stepped in. Imagine what welcomed us.

Oh, I guess you're wondering what we saw too?

It was 3 old women; not just old but looking unkempt. They were unfamiliar and I was sure none of my family members have ever come across scary looking unkempt old women like that.

"We have an unfinished business and that's why we are here" one of the old women with a straight face replied my dad. 

Unfinished business where? I was already close to peeing on myself as I didn't want to imagine anything negative. I was short of words, prayer wasn't even coming to my mind.

The joy that filled my heart few minutes ago that we just scaled through an accident that fixed my family back together has faded in an instant. 

Deep down, I've been craving my bed, the hospital discomfort opened my eyes to know that there is no place like home. And now this. Somebody can't even rest peacefully after the journey back home.

"What business is that and with who?" my uncle interrupted. 

The more we talked with this unfamiliar women, the more courage we all started getting.

I became quite bold to look into their faces for the first time. It was really horrible. I wouldn't know if they had their faces painted or not. Their hairs were all grey and scattered. Only one of them had a few black hairs amidst the grey ones while the other two were all grey hairs.

One of them I noticed was holding a stick. I didn't know if it was just a tool for holding or if it was meant to assist her in walking. But I decided to believe it was meant for walking. But then I thought why will an old woman that couldn't even walk without being supported on her stick embark on such a mission. 

"You better shut that your stinky mouth up because we are not here for you" one of the old women replied angrily facing my uncle. It was her shout that brought me back from my realm of thoughts.

"Okay, we are sorry. What exactly do you want and who are you?" my father apologised.

I was wondering why my dad was apologizing.

I could hear my mother muttering "Blood of Jesus" under her breath. I could see fear on her face too. 

The 3 women laughed out loud again and I was wondering why they laughed at intervals but I knew they were up to something evil and mischievous or maybe someone sent them to us.

"Before we go too far, we will introduce ourselves to you one after the other so we don't get to be total strangers to you" one of the women said.

"Safina is my name" the light skinned, short but most reserved out of them introduced herself. I could count the number of words she has said since the whole drama started. I knew people with that kind of gentle look and fewer words are the most dangerous. 

"Katurina is my name" the other woman introduced herself. She was dark in complexion, looked quite chubby at least than others who were very lanky. From the way she has been talking, she sounds more like the most angry one. Whenever she talks, it's a shout. The brave and dauntless one you may say.

"Call me Jimakia the mouthed" this name with which she introduced herself can easily tell one that she's the most eloquent amongst them. The talkative you may say.

"Okay we have heard your name, can you go to the business of the day?" dad asked out of curiosity and impatience.

I really wondered where my dad developed that sort of dauntless spirit from. It was amazing. But I was quite scared that they shouldn't hurt him with this overnight boldness he developed and the way he was reacting to them.

"Name your price, let's know how much you weigh" my uncle added angrily.

"We are not here for you. That is the second warning" the angry Katurina said.

I became scared for my uncle. I hope they won't hurt him. I just wished I could take him out from the scene but who am I to even think of that?

"Let's go to the business of today" Safina said facing my dad.

What do they have to offer?

Watch out for the next episode.

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